Frustratingly close is the prognosis on the Golden Orioles, plural as there are at least 2, but confined to impenetrable woodland, at least for the time being. Settling down to another al fresco breakfast in beautiful sunshine and the temperature already high 60's, they started up, and seemingly just beyond the belt of crops (about 300 meters) I thought if nothing else this may constitute an early morning walk? Access to the edge of the wood is easy but after you pass the singing Yellowhammer, Blackcap and Linnets, things get dramatically more difficult. I suppose they dig them just too wide to leap, so it was the dikes that kept me at bay. This seems to the only place these birds are resident this year so I guess a lucky break is needed, and they come to me.

Anyway, I could now smell something cooking as I returned and with just enough time to pour a cup of Ille's home made Red Currant Cordial,

out she came with the freshly baked Sausage Rolls.

The afore mentioned pair of Spotted Flycatchers watched over us from above during most of the meal, and we decided that the unlikely nest site suggested is in fact just a source of nesting material.

Today they turned their attentions to one of several moss lined hanging baskets, which between them they brutally pulled apart, but in the name of 'nesting' who cares.

Likewise the new parent Tree Sparrows seemed little worried about our presence, and continued delivery of what looked like a mixture of juicy green caterpillars, insects and a seed or two. We should still be here when they fledge, now that will be a good subject.

So, to looking around the grounds, we first have the new bathroom extension complete with fully mobile hand-wash basin, and no plumbing worries.

The main bathroom cum sink unit, comprises self pumping water from the well, new galvanized buckets and bath-tub. I did consider publishing last nights shot of me in the tub but thought you should be spared that.

Next door is the ye olde farming equipment collection suite, left exactly as it was (like the rest of the house) when the farm became redundant itself.

A few more items from the museum.

A male Brimstone butterfly that strayed into the garden.
Ille has busied herself all day digging over the vegetable plot and planting this years onions and beetroot, as she had done so well and finished so quickly I thought it only fair that she should do the shopping as well. Seen here clutching a fresh supply of Vodka, she has already carried the beer into the house from the 'once a week' mobile shop, oh and we also got some fresh fish, Sardines I think!

That's Ille on the 'mobile' again.
and just in case you think I was stood around doing nothing, there were 2 camera batteries on charge that I needed to keep careful watch on - hic!