Sunday, 25 December 2011

I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday - Wizzard

It was a bit of a wild night of eating, drinking, singing and being among some seriously lovely people, what a great all round welcome.

Jim & Liz arriving at the Gallery Italian Restaurant in their village of South Cave, East Yorkshire


Ah there you are - Maître d’ Luigi.

With a little careful photo cropping we could almost have been back in Venice.

We all decided on the Scallops as a starter, with a Pouilly Fume,

while Liz opted for the Lemon Chicken with the 2 Skinny Lads choosing the Pheasant along with a lovely Melbec. The wine brought back a few memories as the last time we 3 saw each other was in Buenos Aires, Argentina, home of the Melbec grape.

Gaynor the Owner, Moi, Luigi and one of the Waitresses who's name we didn't get.

Meanwhile over at the Fox & Coney Pub
Now that's what you call a Hat Trick! and a lovely scarf an impromptu present from Lesley.

I don't remember this dudes name, but he is of Jamaican ancestry but has never been there and comes from Peckham - thanks for the chat.

It's Been A Hard Days Night

Home Sweet Home and quickly into dressing gowns

and down the garden to the Summer House for a nightcap or two.

Like most I would guess it was a stay at home day today with

Jim, a real dab hand in the galley, making the dinner. You can always tell when he's going to make a pie as the first thing he gets out is his rolling pin.

A quick look through the port hole to see if everything is going alright.

A starter of Gravlax, King Prawns and Sushi was followed by about the best soup I have ever tasted, consisting of roast butternut squash, parsnips, carrots and a touch of curry. All of this complimented with a bottle of '99 Krug. After a longish break and a bottle of MacGuigans Blend, Jim had the audacity to make me carve the turkey, he said he didn't like the thought of chopping up one of his relatives. Jim's mum Sylvia and partner Liz thought it was funny!

At the time of publishing, there are still presents to open and Champers to be quaffed, but half way through the meal I could no longer resist the temptation to open 2 gifts from avid readers of this Blog. First was a long outstanding omission from my DVD collection, Roy Orbison "Live @ Austin City Limits", while the other simply took my breath away the "2011 UK Britannia £2 Silver Bullion Coin". Both from friends I truly love, now I really have to rush and see what Jimmy the Mean has bought me.