It may have been the the hardest frost and the coldest day so far this end of the year, but it was also one of the brightest! With the only interruptions to an otherwise clear, blue sky being celestial bodies (the sun and almost half moon) and hardly a breath of wind this certainly was a 'beautiful morning'.
When there are few or no birds to be found out there, then the best place to look is in the 'Archive'. Here is a reminder, from earlier this year, of the:-
Diversity of Ecuadorian Avifauna
(dedicated to the 12 Blog readers in that country)

With a good deal of world activity this week as far as the readership is concerned, we have now reached a total of 110 countries / identifiable regions that log on to read this Blog. Since welcoming Madagascar, during a memorable trip there earlier in the month, we now have 97 individual readers in that country. In addition, a very warm welcome is offered to our latest followers in Mauritius, Reunion, Jordan, Maldives, Nepal, one Anonymous Proxy and the Aland Islands. Of the latter, I have sailed past a few of times when traversing the Gulf of Bothnia, or in transit by ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki (or visa versa) but so far have not put in to Ahvenanmaa. However, being a keen follower of the 'fine wine' market, Åland has certainly been put on the map in recent months with the discovery of what has been dubbed Åland's Liquid Treasure.
A short passage from the Helsinki Times
A short passage from the Helsinki Times
Some of Åland champagne to go under hammer.
Wednesday, 17 November 2010 13:55
Some of the 168 intact bottles of champagne lifted from a wreck off Finland's Åland Islands earlier this year is to be auctioned, the regional government announced Wednesday. The age of the champagne has been estimated at about two centuries, which would make the wine the world's oldest drinkable champagne.
The Åland Islands government has yet to decide how many bottles would be sold, as a number of auction houses have expressed interest in the liquid treasure, with some experts saying the bottles would fetch tens of thousands of euros apiece.
As far as I know, the last such cache of wine recovered from the seabed was Jönköping – "The Champagne Wreck" with which I had a very small involvement. This was highlighted in a previous post on Saturday 14th November 2009 which, for those who might be interested, can be accessed by typing this date or 'Jonkoping' into the Home Page Search Engine and hitting Return then Click on Don't Cry For Me Argentina.
The Åland Islands government has yet to decide how many bottles would be sold, as a number of auction houses have expressed interest in the liquid treasure, with some experts saying the bottles would fetch tens of thousands of euros apiece.
As far as I know, the last such cache of wine recovered from the seabed was Jönköping – "The Champagne Wreck" with which I had a very small involvement. This was highlighted in a previous post on Saturday 14th November 2009 which, for those who might be interested, can be accessed by typing this date or 'Jonkoping' into the Home Page Search Engine and hitting Return then Click on Don't Cry For Me Argentina.