Monday 28 March 2022

Home, Home on the Range - Gene Autry

There seems to be no middle-ground at this time of year as we fall into a period of Feast or Famine with today's Post being the first episonde of a 2-parter starting with a most welcome f.f.y.

from within the Solar Panel Compound while further on we found ourself countered by another slight alteration to a motor vehicle such as our own contribution of
we now have an alternative
by way of
just LOVE it! while all else was confined to the
Irrigation Pond
with the return of a female
along with a far moe scarce
(in company with Little Grebe)
given his status, we will milk
For All It's Worth.
Male Gaping
Female Transiting
Male with
Little Grebe Singing
Male and Female
and You Know What and with thoughts of Both breeding, Miracles do happen!