A note for any readers visiting this site via the links on the
Portland Bird Observatory website.
As 'birders' you may find interest in the posts of Tuesday 4th October and 14th July 2011
(via the Search Engine) ref
'dark phase' Long-tailed Skua!
It's been a while since I was on the road and the 'bug' has struck again, so today was the first step on my next adventure which will hopefully achieve another 'life ambition'. With just a 'one way' ticket in my pocket this will be pretty much a 'suck it and see' trip, with no date of return, but feel it could be as long as 2 weeks.
Meanwhile and as something of a 'filler' it's back for a closer look at Portland Bill which in my book starts at the village of Southwell and extends, as Thomas Hardy put it, like the beak of a bird into the English Channel.

Starting in the south and working north, there are 2 features that dominate the skyline the
Active (and most recent built)
Lighthouse and

Trinity House Obelisk. Once used by mariners to obtain a true bearing in relation to their ships position, I doubt if in this day and age of GPS, Harper Radar etc that anyone has done that in a while!

Walking north along the west coastal path there is chance to discover the jigsaw like ledges of world famous Portland Stone (St Paul's Cathedral. Westminster Abbey, King's College Chapel, Cambridge
et al),

and marvel at the 'billions of
Fossils and

patterns caused by weather a sea erosion.

Next come
Pulpit Rock once a great jumping platform when we were kids, but not any longer.

No need to go hungry or thirsty at The Bill, as either
The Lobster Pot Cafe or
The Pulpit public house will slake both.

An all round view as we continue across
The Common with both Lighthouse and Lobster Pot central,

and looking north towards the Pub, Coast Guard Cottages and what I believe to be a
World War II Bomb Crater in the foreground.
Coast Guard Cottages close-up.
Fishermen's Stores
Fishing Boat Crane Hoist
The Higher Light and first Lighthouse to be built at Portland Bill.

The second construction, now the Portland Bird Observatory and known as The Old Lower Light.
This patch of bushes. small trees and rough scrub, like the garden at the Obs, is an ideal staging post for migratory birds providing both food and cover and goes under the name of Culverwell.

Only a matter of yards away is a Mesolithic Site (the notice, if you can read it, should tell you all).

The view from the top of Bill Hill
and looking back from whence we came.
I arrived at Parley Manor mid-afternoon to a warm welcome from Hugh & Janet & Family to stay for a couple of nights before flying off into yet another 'Blue Yonder'. Please keep logging in for details.