Having enjoyed a super day at
Greenwich visiting the Museum, Observatory and Cutty Sark there was an
even greater treat awaiting this evening as we arrived at the
to meet Friend, Founder and Managing Director
Stephen Williams.
Having a mutual interest in Fine Wine, it wasn't surprising
that Andy and I were first drawn to this splendid array of
Chateau d'Yquem
in varying size bottles.
flown himself over from his home close to Monte Carlo early morning and
having been behind his desk ever since, he more than us was ready for a
taste of something 'finer'! Directing us to his recently opened Wine
Academy, Steven first invited us to taste a
'white Burgundy' a
2009 Chassagne Montrachet
followed by a 1995 'second growth' Bordeaux
Château Longueville au Baron de Pichon-Longueville
Both 'classic wines' were enjoyed while viewing the AWC empire.
Stephen holds the distinction for having realised the highest price,
in the world, ever paid for a single bottle of wine.
A Vintage 1811 Chateau d'Yquem, sold for $117,000 (£75k)
By now the 'dinner gong' had sounded as we took a taxi to

the renowned

meal started with 'collective' Oysters and Courgette Fritters, after
which I diverted for something I have been promising myself to both
catch and eat for years, RAZORCLAMS all accompanied by a fine
Argentinian Malbec. Andy then opted for the Lamb Cutlets while we 2
choose Duck, all were superb but the Duck eaters agreed that the Confit
leg was of the very best. These were enjoyed along with a 2008 Michele Chiarlo 'Borolo'.
We completed the evening with a bottle of 2005 Chateau D'Agassac, Haut Medoc Superieur before 'decanting' to our relevant hotels.
wasn't just a fine meal with great company, but a continuation of a
long learning curve for me. I would like to thank both Stephen and Andy
for making it such a memorable occasion.