Yesterday finished on a high, as an previously invitation to dine with the Edward's was turned down, but on further insistence late afternoon I weakened and went round. Howard and Cheryl Lewis, from Australia, are continuing their 'globe trotting' and paying a final visit to his mum in Upwey before they further their journey to South America. Cheryl, who is Sri Lankan, was mighty pleased to hear the news of Muttiah Muralitharan's 800th wicket in Test Cricket, with the last ball of his career, another reason for a toast! As the 'barbie' was flashed up, c5 Little Egrets flew over the garden shortly followed by a Grey Plover that alerted us to its presence with several calls. This bird must have flown over both Radipole and my garden, but Daragh insists that I don't add it to either of my lists as not being in situ at the time? However, a glass or two of 'red' later and plenty of good food, we ended the evening with Mr Bonamassa and the realisation that I'm glad I went. Thank you all for a splendid time.

This mornings weather was not dissimilar to yesterday except the sky was 7/8th's covered and the wind seemed to have backed to the north west, but it was still a little chilly. In the cemetery the number of Goldcrests had doubled, or was it that I was looking and listening a little harder, but otherwise quiet.
and despite the numbers of Gadwall on the 2 reserves, I rarely see a family group
In addition there were c2 Common Sandpipers flying around plus a 'singing' Willow Warbler, but then disaster! As if the marauders, under the guise of conservationists, haven't had enough bad publicity via these pages, and the finding of 2 variants of Bee Orchid, likely the only two specimens in the whole of the UK, the RSPB have found it necessary to 'strim' the verges once again. Having been approached by the top authority (the Hardy Orchid Society) to protect these and other rare and delicate plants, how can they possibly know what they are cutting away, and in all honesty do they really care, can anyone believe they do?
PS - don't worry there are plenty more elsewhere (circa the Passenger Pigeon)
Anyhow, at Lodmoor there continues to be success at the 2 Common Tern breeding islands, and it has to be said that is only because thus far the RSPB have left them alone!
In addition there were c20 Dunlin, c3 Redshank, c14 Lapwing, c5 Common Sandpiper, c2 Little Egret, c2 Sandwich Terns, singles of Black-tailed Godwit, female Marsh Harrier, Arctic Tern
Meanwhile, at Ferry Bridge the Common Tern saga continued as
On the foreshore there were also c60 Dunlin, c22 Sanderling, a single Turnstone, a dozen Ringed Plover, c3 Mediterranean Gulls plus an overflying Whimbrel.
On the Island (Portland) things were quiet with the only sighting worthy of note were the Butterflies of which
On the Island (Portland) things were quiet with the only sighting worthy of note were the Butterflies of which