Hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
An echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.
Echoes - Pink Floyd
A quieter day altogether than yesterday, weather wise and in the wildlife department but at least I was up early enough to enjoy more of it! The sun was already shining in a near cloudless sky at 06:00 and the wind had dropped to a gentle breeze, but bird-wise even the now local Swifts and House Martins had temporarily absented themselves. A wander through the cemetery and Radipole brought up no more than a singing Lesser Whitethroat, but along the way there were a few roadside plants to observe

such as these
Common Poppies
shaking their crimson heads in the breeze, plus a good showing of
Dog RoseNearing the Gurkha restaurant a passer-by told me that he had seen young birds in the Mute Swan nest, pictured yesterday, I lingered for a while in the hope of seeing them but the parent bird was unmoved so I continued to the sluices at Westham Bridge.

There, 4
Mute swan Cygnets, were being shown off by a parent bird, a first for me this year.

Quite unusual at anytime of the year never mind May, a
male Pochard had arrive from where I know not, but there would be a pair or 2 on the lake and more at Lodmoor. There was time to take a look at Ferrybridge before the flood tide began, but even there the Waders only amounted to 81 Dunlin and 29 Sanderling

but this line of foam / residue along the shore-line was a little disturbing.

My first destination on Portland was the barns at Sweethill to check the progress of the
House Martin's nest building.

Once again Curtis had topped up the puddle continuing a ready supply of mud,

and as can be seen from these shot the birds were taking full advantage.

There were more wild flowers to view in the Top Fields,

but despite a determined search of the Field Guide I haven't been able to identify either. This one may be Viper's Bugloss????

but this, maybe one of the Umbellifers, remains a mystery. OK John time for you to get to work!

The Royal Netherlands Navy Minesweeper 'Willemstad' passes Portland Bill.

On the way home the 501 Portland Bill (open-top bus) service passed by, reminding me of yesterday's return home when I called in to see The Secret Lemonade Drinker. Gary White was a longtime shipmate and since a very dear friend who is always a great pleasure to see. Along with a cool ginger beer he played for me Echoes (originally from the Pink Floyd album 'Meddle') this rendition from the David Gilmour record 'Live In Gdansk'. It has been some years since I sat down and listened to this 23 minute 31 second opus, but guess Gary must have sensed the thrill and gave me the album. Nothing has been on the turntable since, and I doubt it will for a few more playings yet - Thank You 'Secret' you're a Gem! Love also to Jane.