Prince Rupert has a very good feel about it and as far as towns in general are concerned, this really is 'The Wilderness! With a few birds in the bag yesterday and quite a lot of interest in other directions it was well worth spending a second day here, even if only for the Eagles.

The first addition to the Trip List this morning was this
Wilson's Warbler, not a pristine adult male but a little beauty for all that.

It's plainly obvious that
Seaplanes play a huge part in this communities life, buzzing around like taxis would at home.
The Seaplane has also Landed

Not sure about this one, I want to say Veery again but could use some help, drop me a line!
Orange-crowned Warbler again not at its best but good to see.
House Wren
More success with the
Bald Eagles today (as if you could fail)

but I wasn't quite ready for this adult bird to

land on a lamp-post just above my head!

and talking of 'heads', what about this one?

Also on all the lamp-posts through the town were these very attractive banners, but as far as both the Walrus and the

Wolf are concerned, I would much rather have seen the real thing.

Something a little more familiar,
Common Starling.Continuing along the sea-wall, up ahead I could see what looked like an Auk bobbing about among the flotsam. Wanting to get closer I first took a long look at it through the bins and recognised it as

Rhinoceros Auklet but needed to get a good deal closer to secure a decent photograph. Now, those who have found scarce Auks before will know that once they dive, that is usually IT! This encounter was to be no exception as I raised the camera the little blighter dived and despite a full 30 minute search was never seen again - have I said B*s*a*d's today? An addition to both Trip and World Life Lists.
Mew Gull also joins the company with many dozens, all but one sub-adult, visible but at great distance. I feel sure we'll get closer later in the trip as there was a very healthy breeding colony at Whitehorse last time we visited.

'Port Authority' Cutter keeping a watchful eye on shipping plying the Inlet.

Returning to the Bus Station via the redundant railway sidings, this
Killdeer, one of a pair, were being attacked by American Crows.

At my approach it put on this distraction pose, obviously wanting to distract me from either its nest or, as it was,

their 2
Chicks, I beat a hasty retreat.

Cedar Waxwing perched in a tree briefly as I neared the end of yet another brilliant walk, but it's now time to leave so will be heading back to Prince George later in the day.

The 'long' detour had been well worth it!
and finally, fellow traveller and Wildlife fanatic Alan Armbruster has sent me these excellent photographs

of a
Great Grey Owl which he found close to his home.

I feel sure the readership will enjoy them as much as me!