The falling leaves, drift by my window
The autumn leaves, of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands, I used to hold
The autumn leaves, of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands, I used to hold
Brings back a memory of my very first strictly Blues gig in 1962 when local band
The Falling Leaves
The Kimbells Ballroom, Osbourne Road, Portsmouth
(featurning bass and descant recorders)
The Final Summer Sunset and the continuing
Waxing Moon
The New Dawn and New Season
brought with it a most welcome visit of my dear friend
Dave Foot. Ostensibly here to make some adjustments to the
Moth Catching Equipment
it is on such occassions we give him a 'free hand' to 'do' the traps.
Don't Want to be There All Day Do We?
While really do value his visits they also and always come with a degree of annoyance
this time, not even compleatly out of his car yet he cried
a fly-over bird with the image just for illustration and only the 2nd here this year!
He then went on to spot another over-flier in te shape of a
followed by a
and a 'string' of no fewer that c10 more Grey Heron's
(too distant for the Canon)
Can I have a go now please?
Having informed him of yesterday's Squab (young) Wood Pigeon, still in the nest, he turned towards the Chicken Coup asking, "do you mean
that one there"?
or Dad?
However, he, or maybe that should read we, didn't have that kind of luck with the traps,
best on parade being:-
along with the diminutive
(no bigger than a garden pea)
With shades of Autumn all around us
with extrordinarily long probosis
Acorn in its Cup with Insect Bore Hole
along with an extrodinary
we / he let the refit commence.
It was just a matter of adding a 'fuel header tank' to the system
(he uttered standing idealy by)

to give a longer period of light and hopefully bigger catches to come?
In the process he also found a Crossbill and putative Spotted Flycatcher so,
I will write a full report later on the subject of being totally superfluous to requirements!!
The Final Summer Sunset and the continuing
Waxing Moon
The New Dawn and New Season
brought with it a most welcome visit of my dear friend
Dave Foot. Ostensibly here to make some adjustments to the
Moth Catching Equipment
it is on such occassions we give him a 'free hand' to 'do' the traps.
Don't Want to be There All Day Do We?
While really do value his visits they also and always come with a degree of annoyance
this time, not even compleatly out of his car yet he cried
a fly-over bird with the image just for illustration and only the 2nd here this year!
He then went on to spot another over-flier in te shape of a
followed by a
and a 'string' of no fewer that c10 more Grey Heron's
(too distant for the Canon)
Can I have a go now please?
Having informed him of yesterday's Squab (young) Wood Pigeon, still in the nest, he turned towards the Chicken Coup asking, "do you mean
that one there"?
or Dad?
However, he, or maybe that should read we, didn't have that kind of luck with the traps,
best on parade being:-
along with the diminutive
(no bigger than a garden pea)
With shades of Autumn all around us
with extrordinarily long probosis
Acorn in its Cup with Insect Bore Hole
along with an extrodinary
we / he let the refit commence.
It was just a matter of adding a 'fuel header tank' to the system
(he uttered standing idealy by)
to give a longer period of light and hopefully bigger catches to come?
In the process he also found a Crossbill and putative Spotted Flycatcher so,
I will write a full report later on the subject of being totally superfluous to requirements!!
PS - didn't realise until today that Eric Clapton also recorded the headline classic!
Wouldn't bother if I were you - just not an Eric song!