Another start at first light again allowed me to observe the
Fish Farmers this time hauling the catch, while a little
Stubble Burning was going on in the background at the same time.

The nets it appeared had been cast the previous day, and now it was a 'whole family' affair to reap the bounty. Once the main net had been pulled, containing a good catch according to the people, another keep net was brought in (top right) and the fish transferred.

The 'keep' was lashed to 4 bamboo poles

while watertight plastic bags were brought to keep the fish alive while being transported to market.

Meanwhile the fire had continued to burn on the banks, much to the benefit of migrating
Barn Swallows. The wind direction was varying slightly from time to time, allowing the smoke to cover most of the bushes close by. This in turn was not to the liking of the insects within, but the Swallows were certainly capitalising on it!

While dad ships the catch off to market, the rest of the family collect up all the gear

including fish baskets complete with ingenious 'buoyancy aids'.

It was time for a search around the other ponds where
Dragon & Damselflies abound, and the small stands of Mangroves.

It was here I caught up with the
Black-winged Stilts but not 50, just a dozen.

Probably qualifying as the luckiest shot of the trip, this
YELLOW BITTERN was only on show for a split second just caught out of the corner of my eye.

Only moments later a seemingly familiar song alerted me to a pair of

which landed some distance away, but managed to get a little nearer.

Kentish Plover were well represented, but that looked like something a little bigger in their midst!

A couple of
LESSER SAND PLOVER were a welcome addition to the List.

A fair bit of time was dedicated to watching these fairly large and beautifully marked
Sand Flies as they bounded then flew, rather Grasshopper like across the sand flats.

"I see no ships", this has been the only sign of life on the sea except maybe for the loom of a gas/oil flare below the horizon at night.

Having mentioned
Halo Halo as a Summer favorite here, finding this lady at the roadside, with her friends, making these supposed delicious cocktails of mixed fruit, condensed milk and shaved ice I thought why not 'Stop Me & Buy One!

I wouldn't go as far as using the 'D' word, but it tasted alright and the ice made it very refreshing on yet another warm, sunny day. A bit of banter as well and leaving them with a song, I was off to check out the overgrown airfield about a mile away as my last look of the day.

On the way the crowds were already gathering for one of numerous Festivals welcoming the Summer

and in this instance the end of another School Year. All the kids were dressed in their best, the music was playing. all set for a fine old time. It was about then that I seemed to be feeling a little 'heady' without reason as I keep myself well covered from the sun.

Anyway, reaching my destination there were all these coloured shapes moving about in front of me, with my condition seemingly becoming worse (or 'BETTER' depending who's side your on).

I'm sure they were 'birds' but was having some difficulty making them out, and started wondering about the content of the Halo Halo.

The pictures verify I was not hallucinating having identified

but I was sure as hell feeling skew-whiff, I mean look at that one walking on its tail!

Had I known I was going to 60's San Francisco I'd sure have worn a "flower in my hair", but it was now a race to get back to the Halo Halo Stall before they close - just to check you understand?

Feeling on 'Top of the World' it was time to get home, on the way what I believe to have been a
Black-winged Stilt

and a Naval Aircraft flew overhead, but at the time thought it was the
RED ARROWS 'B' TEAMOn arrival it was completely Blah, Blah, Woof, Woof - out with the Strat!