First morning walk about started at the
Marine Police HQ
where the inspection went very well.

Next, a wander along the beach to the south where the local
Sea Fishermen were just landing the catch,

and securing their boats.

A modest haul I was told but among about 20 kilos of fish there

was this whopper, which I for one wouldn't have minded on a line or better still in the pan,

weighing in at 7 and a half Kgs.

Further along a construction gang were hard at it continuing building sea defences.

Like most I have seen many of these 'joggled concrete block' defences, but for the first time seen the mould. In UK for instance the blocks would be made in factory or yard but here the lads were wiring the sections together ready for the next fill.

A little more desolate this side it was thought best to alter course to the north,

where nets were drying in the sun,

and where the
Fish Farms were situated.

Some complete with their own stand of
Palm Trees,

with even a few bearing

I have always been fascinated by anything to do with fish, so this area, apart from the likelihood of a few birds, was going to be of particular interest.

Particularly the
Bamboo Punts skilfully propelled by the fishermen.

Looking across the terrain, the mountains beyond looked interesting as well but a little too far I fancy.

The birds were there alright, starting with a few
Little Egrets already looking like roosting, but nothing new to add to the list.
Little Egret
Great White Egret (which wasn't expecting my visit)

plus a decent size flock of small Waders.

When landed, alongside another considerable number, they proved to be
Kentish Plover
and worthy of a 'count' which was over 200. Hands up all those who would like to see 200 Kentish Plover at Ferry Bridge, or even better a
Pacific Golden Plover

these 2 being part of a group of 15. In addition there were 3 Greenshank (only Common unfortunately), a single Green Sandpiper, what looked to be about 50 Black-winged Stilt in flight and very distant (I didn't catch up with these despite a search) plus a lone Grey Plover in flight.

This local man seemed oblivious of all of this

as he laid his traps, but next to be seen what was for me 'bird of the day'.

I don't remember ever seeing such a beautifully marked
Little Ringed PloverI hope the reader enjoys it as much as I did!

Again time to watch the sun sink behind the waves and the
Sand Crabs digging their own burrows. This is a special place indeed which I will not be wanting to leave.