I've been working from seven, to eleven every night,
It really makes life a drag, I don't think that's right.
and large the weekend was uneventful inside of Slight Return II, from
where I hardly strayed except to tend the Moth Traps and pay my daily
visit to the Irrigation Pond. Despite what has so far been a 'wet'
October, overnight temperature continue to seek double figures keeping
the Insects coming. Best on offer has been a loneIt really makes life a drag, I don't think that's right.

which the 'book' tells me is just about at the end of its flight period
mid-July to mid-October.
which the 'book' tells me is just about at the end of its flight period
mid-July to mid-October.
the odd
has shown up along with what might be a 'third brood'?

The Migrant Micro
is still showing on a daily basis, while all else has included
this species of
one of 69 that exist in the UK plus
the 'tiniest' Beetle we have ever seen from the traps
has shown up along with what might be a 'third brood'?
The Migrant Micro
is still showing on a daily basis, while all else has included
this species of
one of 69 that exist in the UK plus
the 'tiniest' Beetle we have ever seen from the traps
a species of
thought to be
Chrysolina rufa
We send our thanks to John Gifford for identifying the Beetles.
which has been living under Slight II for the past few months, and
showing itself from time to time when breaking cover to steal a Moth or two!
NOW, before we go any further it should be made quite clear that I have not started a
Birds Seen Perched on the Solar Panels at Parley Court Farm List!
but it is becoming quiet obvious that a diverse selection of species
are favouring them as simply perching posts or is there more to it??
Maybe the heat that they must gather has something to do with it?

ditto - joined by a couple of
In addition Pied Wagtail, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest,
Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Collared Dove and Goldfinch
have also been seen perched there.
See, I am NOT keeping a List!
at the 'Flight Pond'.
One for Roy/Janet
Looks every bit like a Hercules to me but strange livery?
and, it should be said, not much of a photograph.
and finally
One For The GALLS!
Breaking News!
At time of going to press, as well as listening to Led Zeppelin I,
we are also enduring a huge Ladybird Invasion.
There's got to be a Movie there surely?
You shook me baby!
Dazed and Confused!
thought to be
Chrysolina rufa
We send our thanks to John Gifford for identifying the Beetles.
that I have been returning to the Memoirs which are cutting on apace but keeping me out of the bunk until gone midnight.
Of the 250,000 words already committed to a jumbled mass, 30,000 of them
are now in Ship's Book Number Order as part of the definitive document.
Completing my deployment to HMS Keppel, on the final of 4 voyages
inside the Arctic Circle during a 6 months period, the best was most
certainly left until Last. During that trip I, along with 2 shipmates,
set foot on Surtsey a volcanic Island that simply emerged from the sea (becoming part of Iceland's Vestmannaeyjar ("Westman Islands")
and where since, no more than a handful of human being have been allowed
to tread.With the practise of manning ship's boats being on a strict
rotational basis, allowing each of us to gain practical experience, it
was just my luck that I was 'bowman' in the Gemini Inflatable that day!
If this is not readable or expandable, you should be able
to left click and hold and drag the 'cutting' to desktop.
to left click and hold and drag the 'cutting' to desktop.
the article goes on to say, we also assisted the Hull based Trawler
Kingston Peridot (named partly from her home port, officially Kingston
upon Hull, Yorkshire and the semi-precious yellow-green Gemstone) and
were 'in company' for about 2 days. During that time a few of us were
lucky enough to visit the trawler, getting to know the 8 man crew and
viewing some of the 'monsters from the deep'. The Captain and his crew
showed their appreciation in 'Fish' mainly Cod but also the biggest
Halibut we had ever seen. What the article doesn't say, and could have
had no way of knowing this was to happen.
Subsequent to this, in 1968 while still in the Royal Navy and serving as a Submariner/Diver, news was received of the loss of 3 Hull Trawlers at, or near to, the very spot we had assisted the above. During our spell on Fishery Protection Duties we had come in touch with all of those vessels lost with the reports reading like this........
A 'sad demise', would seem likely that this is our residentSubsequent to this, in 1968 while still in the Royal Navy and serving as a Submariner/Diver, news was received of the loss of 3 Hull Trawlers at, or near to, the very spot we had assisted the above. During our spell on Fishery Protection Duties we had come in touch with all of those vessels lost with the reports reading like this........
St. Romanus
sailed from Hull on 10 January 1968 and the last firm contact with the vessel
was a radio telephone call the same evening. However, despite a company policy
that ships should report their position and catch details daily, the alarm was
not raised until 26 January, after a number of failed attempts by the owners to
contact the ship by radio. It was then discovered that a liferaft found on 13 January by another vessel
had come from the St Romanus.
A search began, but by 30 January the families were told that there was little
hope for the vessel and her crew of 20. Later, at the official enquiry, it was
stated that a mayday call from the ship had been heard
on 11 January by another ship, but had not been passed on.
Kingston Peridot had also sailed from Hull on 10 January 1968 with a crew of 20, and by
26 January she was fishing off north-east Iceland in foul weather. She told
another trawler by radio that she was having difficulties with ice build-up on the ship, and arranged
to move east to join them, but no further contact was established and on 29
January one of her liferafts was washed ashore. This, with debris found
subsequently, indicated that the vessel had sunk. News of her loss was received
in Hull on 30 January, just as hope was fading for the crew of St. Romanus.
Ross Cleveland sailed on 20 January 1968, before the loss of the first two trawlers
became known. She was bound for the north coast of Iceland with a full crew,
but one man was put ashore for medical treatment, leaving 19 on board.
Conditions were very poor and on 3 February, following a weather warning, she
made for Isafjordur, a narrow and relatively sheltered inlet on
Iceland's north-west coast. A number of other ships were there to wait out what
became a long and exceptionally severe storm, with hurricane-force winds and
blizzards, causing dangerous amounts of ice to form on the vessels'
superstructure and radar. The Ross Cleveland's captain attempted to move
her from a dangerous position to a safer one during the evening of 4 February,
but the ship was overwhelmed by the wind and sea, capsized and sank. The last radio message received by the
other ships was from the captain, and ran:- I
am going over. We are laying over. Help me. I am going over. Give my love and
the crew's love to the wives and families.
—Phil Gay, skipper of the Ross Cleveland.
my Memoir, in the main, will only go to my 4 Grand Children, it is felt
that at some time in the near future the tale of the rest of this
memorable voyage will be shared with our Loyal Followers.
To Be Continued!
which has been living under Slight II for the past few months, and
showing itself from time to time when breaking cover to steal a Moth or two!
NOW, before we go any further it should be made quite clear that I have not started a
Birds Seen Perched on the Solar Panels at Parley Court Farm List!
but it is becoming quiet obvious that a diverse selection of species
are favouring them as simply perching posts or is there more to it??
Maybe the heat that they must gather has something to do with it?
ditto - joined by a couple of
In addition Pied Wagtail, Linnet, Meadow Pipit, Chiffchaff, Goldcrest,
Magpie, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Collared Dove and Goldfinch
have also been seen perched there.
See, I am NOT keeping a List!
at the 'Flight Pond'.
One for Roy/Janet
Looks every bit like a Hercules to me but strange livery?
and, it should be said, not much of a photograph.
and finally
Breaking News!
At time of going to press, as well as listening to Led Zeppelin I,
we are also enduring a huge Ladybird Invasion.
There's got to be a Movie there surely?
You shook me baby!
Dazed and Confused!
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