To describe today's weather conditions as gloomy would be an understatement indeed, as mist and a low cloud-base combined to reduce visibility, continuous light drizzle made it uncomfortable but lack of wind contributed to a milder feel. Not at all ideal for either bird watching or photography, but I wasn't going to pass up the benefit of having stayed with Hugh and Janet overnight so headed straight for
Longham Lake
to see what I could find.

Plenty of Little &
Great Crested Grebes all not in their winter feathers,

while not quite so numerous there were a few
Grey Herons flying about.

Kingfishers too were mobile and I think it would be safe to claim that there were at least 4 there this morning, but
Canada Geese were only represented by these 4 individuals.

Blackbirds were also well represented, making the most of the abundance of Haw berries, with other small birds including Gold, Green & Chaffinch, Wren, Robin, Dunnock, Long-tailed, Great and Blue Tit and loads of the ubiquitous
Black-headed Gull.

Being a Fishery, 'Public Enemy No1' here is the
Cormorant which are deterred rather that persecuted, but safe on their high perch above the lake.
Coot tucking into some water-weed.
Common Gulls (with yellow bills) join the far more numerous
Black-headed Gulls.

Not at all approachable, 2
Grey Wagtails were seen just before leaving. With no bus time table, Hugh dropped me at the Poole Bus Station where it was found the next X53 was some 90 minutes away but this possibility had been preempted.
Poole Harbour is the second largest natural harbour in the world and offers any birdwatcher endless opportunity, so rather than sit out the wait, a walk along the coast of
Holes Bay to the village of Upton was in order.

Both of these shots are looking back towards Poole, with the
Royal National Lifeboat Institute HQ to the right in this shot.

Looking towards Weymouth, some 32 miles to the west, along the main train line to London which cuts right through Holes Bay.

High Water wasn't ideal but already a small raft of
Wigeon could be seen along with

a fair number of
Black-tailed Godwit.

A single
Common Redshank perched on one leg was a good sight, but even better were

these 2 slightly nervous
Common Sandpiper

There, told you they were nervy!

Some of the
Wigeon (male) seemed happy to venture close to the shore,
Wigeon (female)

as was this
male Teal

Eventually, I reached the

where except for a couple of Goldcrest bird-life all but ceased, but

the picturesque walk through this mature woodland was well worth the effort.

At the end of this walk there was just a 5 minute wait for the X53 which, in turn, dropped me at the end of my road - what a GREAT service they provide!