What seemed an unlikely, but no less welcome, addition to the World Readership List today Iraq joined our ranks at number 131. A little known country to myself, I hope one day to discover its secrets of history, fine art, architecture etc at first hand. For now, a huge welcome is extended and the hope that our new visitor will increase the readership further by passing the 'link' on to friends and family!

While Mike Munro and Richard Newton continue their fine work constructing what will be the Portland Bird Observatory farm equipment stowage, I was gathering pace across Top Fields making haste for the Bill in hopes of seeing a Puffin.

One the way, this far more obliging Kestrel than yesterday,

landed right in front of me paying no attention to the clicking of the camera.

Same as yesterday, both Black Redstart were still in the Bill Quarry today accompanied by c3 Wheatear but there birds were reluctant to be photographed. A cursory search for the Purple Sandpipers again came to naught, but

out to seaward the Helicopter Carrier HMS Ocean hove out of the mist, and by my calculation if she maintained course and speed her ETA Wyke Church would have been 08:45.

Fortunately, without my help, she altered course to starboard passing the Observatory at about 2 miles, heading for Portland harbour. It was about that time the Puffin showed up, flying in from the south and landing on the sea followed by a second that continued on to the cliff.

An obliging Raven also flew directly overhead, and landed briefly on the Common,

while at the entrance to the Portland Bird Observatory, this Pheasant perched on the wall, looked every bit like a Sunshine Sentinel. A report did arrive of a part albino Blackbird just a few fields away and later a Hoopoe was seen close to the Lighthouse, I missed both.

As if to make up the disappointment, our good friend Tracy Baker jogged past the bus stop continuing her training for the Iron Man Challenge later in the year. The wave of course has to be shared with Joy.
The highlight of my day was saved for this afternoon when I met up with my

eldest daughter Julie, her partner Nigel and Hannah who we will always consider a family member.

We all enjoyed our meal at Bella Italia, but not as much as the Italians who's rugby team beat France this afternoon.

This was Hannah as a child on one of our trips to London.