Little remains secret for long on the Isle of Portland, but it is only now information about the fortunes of the Portland Bird Observatory Committee is reaching my ears. Seems that in line with Bankers they have awarded themselves a secret multi-million pounds annual bonus, as highlighted by the appearance of this top of the range Merc in the Obs car park today. I had agreed to keep my mouth shut on this development, if they afforded me my own personal registration plate (BAG 5 Y), but that hasn't been forthcoming.
Before kicking off today, I'd like to add Lesley Godfrey's web-link so you can all enjoy the Art of this extremely talented lady:-

Another early start for the Bill today, but with only this 'letter box' of sun showing through and a strengthening wind, backed even further to the north, thoughts turned to dragging the Antarctic jacket back out of the cupboard. Apart from Skylarks and a few Meadow Pipits passing overhead, Barleycrates was devoid of bird life and by the time I reached the West Cliff this

Garden Snail was a welcome sight. At the Observatory a few birds were being caught, but having thus far only seen a few Wheatears and a single Grey Wagtail I made an early exit to search for more. In the Top Fields the now resident 'murder' of Carrion Crows seems to increase daily my count being 85, but there were c2

Rooks among them

making for some light relief.

Further along a few more Wheatears also lingered briefly, while

this Rabbit looked quite content sat on top of a hedge taking in what little sun there was.

Skylark numbers today must have topped 50, with one party of c16 flushing

from the edge of one field alone. Mostly distant, this

individual did oblige and allow for a sequence of flight shots.
Higher still and higher, from the earth thou springest,
Like a cloud of fire, through the blue deep thou wingest,
And singing still dost soar, and soaring ever singest.

Otherwise it was left to this Dandelion to provide a little more sunshine! Arriving home at midday, there was a text alerting me to an Osprey flying north which must have been viewable from my house. Unfortunately, I missed this as well, but a little later c3 Common Buzzards were seen heading in the same direction.
Some of you may like to know that Joe Bonamassa has released another album, Dust Bowl, this time with a few guest singers and players, but thus far I haven't had chance to appraise it fully.

All I've heard is the title track, via this link, which sounds a little like Duane Eddie, but one review did describe it as his best effort since
Sloe Gin. If it's half the quality of that fine performance I'll be buying 2 copies!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B07mTSIbcxE&feature=relatedQuote of the Week surely has to go to the Budget Protester who, relating to

Member of Parliament for Rushcliffe, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Kenneth Clark's little snooze in Parliament during the Budget Speech, observed that the whole Cabinet is made up of
'40 WINKERS' (or something like that!).PS:- © for the Mercedes photograph belongs to the ever vigilant and observant Paul Harris who spotted this machine in Wareham yesterday - Thanks Paul.
and finally, yes the strange looking machine contained in yesterday's post was indeed a 'Tree Uprooter / Transplanter'.