Right out of the blue comes our 143rd country to join the readership, the tiny land-locked nation of
Lesotho. It was a few years ago when I undertook a trip from Johannesburg to Mozambique, then onward to Swaziland and Lesotho before getting a taxi (via the Maria Moroka National Nature Reserve) to Bloemfontein. From there it was an extraordinarily long coach ride to Cape Town where I met up with Jim the Medic. My fondest memory is of the people there, so I hope our new readers pass the link on to others in that fine country. WELCOME!

Dark-eyed Junco
Colin & Heather checking the vegetable plot.
Cassie a pure bred
Miniature Alaskan Sled-dog

Jethro an
Irish Wolfhound.
The horses awaiting dinner.

Here it comes guys, Heather tows a new bale out of the stack,

then lays into it with pitchfork and chainsaw.

Here comes the reinforcements, family friend
Jill Lindsey is met by Jethro & Cassie.

Everybody, except me, muck in to get the horses fed and then

get sat down to dinner (including me of course). Over the past few days we have enjoyed Moose stew, Elk steaks (which I have had before) plus Caribou (new to me) 'new laid eggs, wild and cultivated Berries Crumble and tonight it's 'pot roast' Stone Mountain Sheep (along with Dall Sheep they are truly wild).
Some of the Home Decoration

Antlers of various animals.

Colin makes all his own
'fishing lures'

with the main quarry being Salmon, Greyling and Dolly Varden (Bull Trout).

The skin of a 'road kill'
Stone carvings attributed to Heather's Father.
Grey Jay, also known as Whiskey Jack

an Indian term for 'robber', these birds are totally adept at nicking stuff from humans, animals and other birds alike.

When Colin asked "do you want a Gin", I thought he meant a drink, but at least this was one way of giving him a 'hand'!
Warbling Vireo

difficult little blighters to get the camera on.


Savannah Sparrow