A couple of images from yesterday of
Susie Milbank (next to my mate Dave Tissington in bush hat)
& Friends visiting the Portland Bird Observatory.

Susie described the Obs and Portland as fascinating places in her e-mail, and all were intrigued by the variety of Moths in the traps.
Very little in the way of birds today, but this being the first day proper of the School Holidays the weather, of almost continuous sunshine and a gentle breeze, seemed perfect. Lets hope it continues if only for the kids! Apart from a similar mix of Gulls as yesterday and a pair of Oystercatchers, the only other sighting of note at the foreshore were 2 Little Terns engaged in a 'dog-fight' with a local Kestrel.
Ranger (by Universal Advanced Systems) at FerrybridgeThe vehicle provides the World’s best survivability system against blast, ballistic and fragmentation threats whilst also retaining a very high degree of tactical and operational mobility. It is designed to operate over the most demanding terrain thus allowing troops to have the freedom to manoeuvre off road, and giving the greatest flexibility in route selection and avoidance of vulnerable points (VPs).
It should also be noted that the driver, who must consider himself above the law, was parked not only right across a Bus Stop, causing a number of vehicular hold ups as buses could not pull in, but also within an Urban Clearway.
Fishermen at Ferrybridge preparing their nets.
and on the subject of children, there can be no criticism of 'nothing to do' around here, with the National Sailing Academy full to overflowing this morning with youngsters learning canoeing techniques. Only wish I had a picture of dozens of them going through their 'paddling paces' on Hamm Beach.

Lots of
Ragwort in bloom at the moment, but a danger to livestock I am told.

A couple of
Common Darters are now viewable at the Observatory pond, while undoubtedly the

most attractive Moth in the traps today were a number of
Garden Tigers.

On the way back to Sweethill this distant
Common Buzzard was noted, being hassled by a few

It was seen to have 'prey' in its talons which via these photographs was identified as a
Brown Rat, so obviously Ratatouille for lunch today?

All the fence posts leading up to The Privet Hedge had a bunch of
Garden Snails on them,

while on another was my first returning
Wheatear, although there were 2 reported at The Bill yesterday.
and a few more photos from previous days.

Mixed groups of Dunlin and Sanderling, unusually feeding in 2 tight knit circles, rather than the usual feeding pattern of these small Waders, strewn along the tide line. Today they were finding all they needed in just these areas hardly straying from the circles and remaining extremely confiding.

Common Blue Butterfly

Sedge Warbler.

Beautifully marked bird caught in a 'mist net' at the Portland Bird Observatory (PBO).

I'm told the 'necklace' is indicative of a young bird.

Head detail of Sedge Warbler

Oak Eggar Moth also caught at PBO.
Greater Knapweed.