It's been a full day in the galley for me, punctuated by attention to a few outstanding items, as my friends Hugh and Janet arrive from Christchurch at 19-00 for dinner. We met while on a tour of Sri Lanka in 2006, and have remained firm friends ever since. On the strength of that, there follows a series of photographs of that trip.

Unfortunately, I am not able to publish my latest RSPB findings at this time, save to say I have written to Sarah Alsbury and have received, in part, an inadequate reply, a promise of viewing the legal documents associated with the ringing of the Little Terns plus an invitation to meet Dante Munns the RSPB Dorset Area Manager. Certainly a step in the right direction, and an opportunity that will not be wasted by me! Watch this space.
and finally, I can report from the RSPB's Luke Philips that it was not he who found the 'rare' Orchid reported over the past 2 days but a RSPB Volunteer Botanist. Thank you Luke, the pint remains in place.