Our 151st Country/Region joined the readership today by way of
Macao, to whome we extend a 'warm welcome'. It is hoped you will enjoy the read and pass the Blog Link on to all your friends and families if you do. Thank You!
After the Ordeal - Genesis very little litter, and what remained was quickly cleared up by our most efficient Council Team. The Outer Harbour, Weymouth looked fantastic in the early morning sun,

while at the other side of the Town Bridge the Charter Fishing Skippers were preparing to leave for the Shambles bank.

There have been a number of contacts requesting more information about the guitar Jon Storey has used at both of this years Quayside Festivals, and this is what he told me. It is a 'new' instrument and the cheapest of the Les Paul range, known as a '1960 Tribute Gibson' which includes a 'pick-up' favoured by many musicians. The finish, as noted by some of those who have written to me, is imaculate while Jon also says this is the best guitar he has ever owned, and having seen his collection there are many of these.
This mornings sky was half covered by high (whispy) cirrus cloud, with the temerature a little higher that yesterday and virtually no wind at all, making for comfortable conditions. An early run to Portland was planned and leaving home good numbers of House Martins were seen flying to the south. In the cemetery Goldcrest and Coal Tit were both still vocal, but joined in the singing by Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.

Walking the west path and Westham Bridge, bordering Radipole Lake, no fewer than 13
Little Grebe were noted, but more unusual was the prescence of a Green Woodpecker in the trees lining the car park.

This young
Herring Gull was also seen begging for food from the parent birds, and as the tide was so high, top of Springs, there was little point in stopping at Ferry Bridge. All through Top Fields the most numerous migrant were Yellow Wagtail (70+), followed by Wheatear at about 40 birds. Robin numbers had also increased from yesterday with a personal count of 13, but news of a
Wryneck in the Observatory Quarry saw me quicken my pace in that direction. This photograph just about sums up the situation as this lovely bird crept through thick Elder and Bramble, but was seen a little better than the image suggests.

This photo is from the archive to give reader some idea what this small brown Woodpecker looks like.
Small Heath Butterflies were also on the wing in good numbers, and after a coffee and chat with quite a few people at the Obs I returned home seeing 2 Redstart, a single Spotted Flycatcher and an over-flying Ringed Plover in the process. There was also a second Wryneck at Culverwell which I was not lucky enough to see.
I simply cannot miss what's going on down there, so the rest you will have to get tomorrow. Don't forget GOD GAVE ROCK 'n' ROLL TO YOU - but you have to chase it!
 | 1 | 0.01% | Macao |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Kenya |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Botswana |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Montenegro |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Maldives |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Faroe Islands |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Bermuda |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Anonymous Proxy |  |
 | 1 | 0.01% | Morocco |  |