Another reasonable day weather-wise despite not having seen a lot of it, but stand advised don't get the bikini out! Having predicted the imposition of the next few days, I had made provision to get a post out today and as stated before may have to rely on the photograph archive for more days to come.
Inspired by the recent arrival of the Blue-winged Teal at Longham Lake, I delved into the North American 'wildfowl file' and came up with this series of shots.
male (white face patch) & female Blue-winged Teal, Cape May, New Jersey. One day, if it stays, the Dorset bird will look like one of these.
female American Wigeon, both taken at Chesapeake Bay, on the Maryland side.
female & male Barrow's Goldeneye, Burwash Landing, Yukon, Canada.
female & male Bufflehead, Toad River, British Columbia, Canada.
male Harlequin Duck, both taken at Wakkanai, Hokkaido Prefecture, Northern Japan. Yes, I know that's not in North America!
nor is this, male King Eider (centre) in company with male & female Common Eider, River Ythan, Aberdeenshire, Scotland.
3 male Lesser Scaup (left) with a female, Stanley Park, Vancouver, Canada.
and when I find myself indisposed, I can always rely on Secret to come up trumps!
© Gary White, these 2 photos were taken at Brownsea Island, Poole over the weekend and feature Red Squirrel and
Spoonbill, as usual all asleep.and finally on the subject of bikinis, this is why it would be best not to get them out. Janet Read sent the predicted weather picture for this coming Friday and with a depression as low as 952 millibars north of the border we'll be in for some too. Hold on to your hat!