Within a couple of hours of leaving home a new country/region has joined the readership in the shape of
French Polynesia our 165th member. Heading in their direction today I could almost carry the welcome personally, if only. Many thanks for joining in, hope you enjoy the read (particularly at the beginning of a new adventure) and that you pass on the link to all your families and friends.

In addition, after a long absence, the beautiful country of
Seychelles appears back on the radar. I have extremely fond memories of these fantastic islands as on my 3 separate visits there during 1966/67 realised a true Paradise. Welcome back and please stay with us!
As there is unlikely to be another opportunity to gain Internet access again today it's an early post along with a few photographs from my first Australia trip in 2008. It is hoped that some of there are seen again if indeed I make it to the continent, but of course priority there will be given to 3 little boys and their parents.
A breakfast date with Lesley at 09:00, should set me off on the right foot, then National Express to London Heathrow and the 17:40 Air China flight to Incheon, South Korea via Beijing. Hope to talk again soon.
Agile Wallaby
Great Bowerbird
'Bower' of the above, not a nest but an ornate and pains taking way of attracting the 'girls'.
Bar-shouldered Dove
Hello-Goodbye Lizard

A few of the birds of the
Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory.
Kori Bustard
Little Corella
Magpie Goose, just one of what could well have been 100,000?
Pheasant Coucal

Before our arrival there had been on rain in
Alice Springs for 19 months, now the
Todd River was in full spate!

Along with Pink-eared Duck, one of the highlights of the Alice Springs Sewrage Works was lots of
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper.
The Olgas sister to Ayre's Rock

If you're out with
Bob who needs Crocodile Dundee?
Ayer's Rock (Uluru) they say you either fall under its spell or not. For me it was hook, line & sinker!
Breaking Wave Rock Formation, Uluru
Aboriginal Cave Paintings, Uluru