The plan today had been to return to Sherford Bridge and continue the search for Red Kite, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker and Crossbill, but the weather put paid to that. Waking at 05-30 to the roar of a gale and heavy rain my first move was to text fellow birder Dave Tissington and call off the 07-00 rendezvous. He agreed that we should make an attempt tomorrow, allowing me to award myself a Guard & Steerage. In Royal Navy (RN) parlance this would be a small reward to non-watch-keepers who, because of an emergency, defect etc were require to work after midnight, of an extra 'half hour' in bed. Not to be confused with Slack Hammock where a 'lie in' was unofficial and usually met with some form of punishment for being lazy, I did indeed have permission albeit my own! Having completed my communications with Dave I once again assumed 'diving stations' and woke up at the crack of 09-45. Had I still been in the RN there was little chance anyone, except the navy's prison officers, would have seen me for a very long time.
So, once again my day has been taken up by catching up on much of the stuff that falls by the wayside when birding is in full swing. I was able to punctuate this with a coffee break at Joy's house and another, later in the day, at Bowie & Sheila's. Otherwise I can continue to show the final selection of photographs from New Zealand after redressing another omission of yesterday, in welcoming Malcolm & Angela Passells plus Pete Vincent to the readership and say how nice it was to meet you all.