Sunday 23 May 2010

Patience Is A Virtue!

To catch up on the birding front, yesterdays walk in the mixed woodland produced a Nightjar flushed from its roost on the ground, and as has become usual several Wood Warblers. In addition, what looked like a female Common Rosefinch was added to the property list, as was a long awaited Song Thrush. A brood of at least c4 were seen in company with a couple of young Blackbirds, while c3 Greenfinch were also logged.

While failing to construct a temporary moth trap a lone Swan (looking like a Whooper) flew overhead, but with binoculars and camera in the house no evidence was gathered. As a substitute for the 'trap' we decided on a white sheet and leaving on one of the exterior lights, in the hopes of a little entomological action, at which point another c3 Swans followed the first to the west. This time bins were at hand, but all that could be said for certain was that there was yellow in the bill colour.

Ille collecting Silver Birch 'wands' to make 'switches' for tonight's sauna.

Here's one for Bomber. Diurnal, open pasture, mixed trees, favouring weeds including dandelion.

and before Bowie & Sheila start feeling forgotten here's one for them too. Pity the full effect of this couldn't be captured, as in varying light conditions the abdomen changed through bronze to this dark blue.

At long last Song Thrush gets onto the Estonia List - it took long enough even for this recently fledged individual.

Another Frog

Tree Pipit

Farmer Rauno

and wife Pihli

Planting the potatoes.

The forest floor is carpeted with 'Wild Strawberry' looks like a good crop to come this year.
I know someone who'll be out gathering later.

One of the 'Whites', I'm going for Green-veined?

This Common Rosefinch, again in full song, is a 'first' for the property.

Other updates include:- The pair of Swallows (Estonia's national bird) have now half completed a nest in the old barn, while both male Whitethroat and Icterine Warbler continue, so far in vain, the search for a partner. Both Hooded Crow and Jay are appearing daily and more numerous, c3 and c5 respectively, but House Sparrow, Dunnock, Wren plus any kind of Dove / Pigeon have yet to be accounted for!

These huge tracts of baron land are as I suggested a few days ago, peat fields. Just up the road from here is a machinery pound from where they cultivate and gather the peat, which in a small part goes to agriculture, Garden Centers etc but mostly contributes towards Bio-Fuels.

I doubt it was coincidence that these peat fields just happened to be clear of the otherwise uninterrupted forest? By the looks of the huge piles of 'dead elephants' a whole woodland has been grubbed out in the name of 'Bio'! Save the Plant - yea alright.

Golden Oriole (male) in full song but not shown in the picture.

OK, so how ya feeling today David? Perhaps not quite so sure of your position at the BBC? Well just wait for the next shot!

Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can. Often found in women, but never found in man!

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