Tuesday 4 February 2020

Garden - Groundhogs

from the classic album
Thank Christ for the Bomb

Lyrically, one of my top 5 ever rock compositions.
Add to that meeting prime mover, lead guitarist and vocalist
Tony TS McPhee
in Finns, Weymouth’s finest House of Sounds, he graciously signed my vinyl sleeve.
TS stands for ‘Top Strat’ relating to the Fender Stratocaster Guitar

Overnight temperatures continue to hang on doggedly to
lower double figures but again no Moths in the traps unlike our mutual friend in
Weymouth who has seen his 16th species of the year already, while our tally stands at a humble 3!

So now the furore of the second launch of the
Bagsy Blog 
(have you informed ALL of your pals??)
has passed and gone maybe it time to show, particularly the uninitiated, around the
Recording Area (RA)
across a number of editions starting with
A Room With a View - a.k.a. Slight Return II

To the north of Slight II, lies the 
Chicken Shack (Stan Webb)
of which I now have full command, pleased to feed the dozen inmates, water as
necessary and collect the continuing bounty of ‘new laid eggs’ on a daily basis.
There is something of a ‘record breaker’ about this command
for me as the only one I have not thus far ‘put aground’.
 Then, while stood on my doorstep, to the east stands the
Farm House
with its newly fashioned extention, while looking south along the tennis court
 and beyond' the out of sight River Stour flows.
Finally, and not quite due west, are the private stables
and a bund atop of which is an ideal focalpoint for viewing/hearing migrant Birds and catching migrant Moths

Relatively lean pickings from the rounds today except to say that Birdlife certainly seems to be reacting to the Springlike conditions. Song Thrushes have been giving it large for weeks now but joining the chorus, right across all areas, Coal Tits have never seemed so numerous here. It was thought that conditions had also taken effect with the northern thrushes, seemingly departed, that is until well over 100 were found ground feeding in the soggy northern paddocks. Otherwise, in addition to the remaining c5 Tufted Ducks plus 2 or 3 Little Grebes, more Wildfowl have been returning to the 2 main ponds. OK, only
for now, but "from tiny acorns Mighty Oaks etc"!

When we issued the Last Knockings of Norfolk posts we hadn’t accounted for, or even remembered we’d generated, another file of relevant images gleaned from various sources. So now, for your delectation, here over 2 posts are the other species which made up the total of 50 additions to the 2020 bird list.

My garden is all overgrown,

and the weeds are creeping up on my home.
Grass has grown over two foot high,

and the trees are blocking out the sky.
French windows won't open any more,

from the moss that's grown outside the door.
A hundred birds are nesting in the trees,

looks like a wild-life sanctuary.

But I'm not going to cut a single blade of grass,

my garden will look just like the distant past.
Before the days of agricultural land,

before the time when pebbles turned to sand.
When I leave this house I'm going to stay,

I'm forsaking my comforts to live another way.
Get my clothes from heaps, my food from bins,

my water from ponds and have tramps for my friends.

In part I can very much relate to this and highly recommend it!

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