Saturday 8 February 2020

The Final Intro

Centres on the adjoining Heathland of some 600 acres which is owned by Bournemouth International Airport (BIA) but leased to East Dorset Council, who mainlain it, on a 999 years lease. For a number reasons this is a highly sensative area starting with the variety of Wildlife and by the fact that 'rare breeds' also graze here. However, both of these pale against the very real threat of terrorism, which we now seem to see more or less daily on the 'idiots lantern', which is well accounted for. Kestrel Secuity make frequent checks of all borders while the Dorset Constbulary Helicopter is ever present as stationed there.
With the exception of a small run of the BIA fenceline, which opens up to such views as below, the whole area is encompassed by mature trees and bushes
Airbuses all, or so it's believed
while to the north lie
Bristlebent Grass Fields
an area favoured by the 5 'rare breed' Cattle 
 Old English White (steer)
 Large tracts of Erica / Heather to the west 
the brown and white
 (my personal favourite - don't tell the others)
 Looking East past the Aspens
2 x Belted Galloway's
Other incidental views
Black and White
 The FORD over
Finally, the c8 strong herd of
Rare Breed Goats
confinded to their own very large compound where the function is to
keep down the vegetation
 2 x Old English
 5 x BAGOT'S
2 of which were born on site
and a single

It is a great honour and privilege to have access to this private and sensitive area, to be part of the security while keeping a watchful eye on the livestock. Additionally, records are submitted to the relevent authorities, some of which have been uncommon or even rare, but surely understandable why such information cannot be disseminated further afield. We hope to bring you some examples of these in future posts.

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