Tuesday 18 January 2022

Lightning Striking Again and Again and Again and Again - Lou Christie

 On the face of it another

Fine Day
despite the frost, but across the southern reaches no need even to take the shoes and socks off to compile the Brid Tally. The dearth continued across all 3 watercourses but joy of joys on reaching the Sewerage Works where c3 'first for the year'
were engaged in singing their none to melodic songs. Augmented by no more than a fleeting glimps of the now semi-resident male Merlin, already booked, and also vocal
what might be considered a 'pair' (male) and
(female) were also added to the tally.
Strange happenings the moment we entered the Solar Panel Compounf to find this female
preening while perched atop of the units, a sight only recorded once before across the panels since their construction 5 years ago.
It was also noted how Moss and other debris is taking hold across the panels,
surely reducing production one way or the other and maybe time Mr Tugwell and his team of cleaners paid another visit?
No more than a dozen rows further on another addition to the Year List featured this
"blink and you'll miss it"
aforded us no more than a few seconds
so maybe clearer views
from the archive.
With the lightning of Good Luck already having struck twice in the same place it was about to continue as we spotted what can only be considered as the local male
which for months now has always been in company with what maybe the only remaining
so we'll make the most of it
they last.
Great Value
but not the end of it as up ahead c3
carrying out what could only be described as
low elevation
Display Flights
not consigned to the

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