After a long and in depth telephone conversation with Paul Harris last evening on the merits of visiting London, we both agreed the capital is now excellent value for your money and a pleasure to visit. Later I was called by my good friend Andy Lindsay who is without doubt the best music aficionado I know. He was calling to let me know he had taken a chance on my recommendation of Bonamassa 'Live at the Albert Hall', and to quote him "pain me as it does to agree, you've got this one right youth". However, there were to be no 'team points' as he countered by saying "you're only making up for the last 'cock up". By that he was referring to my last punt when I suggested the Ronnie James Dio album 'Magica', which after 2 plays he sent to me in the post demanding his money back - yeah that'll be right! I still believe it to be a good effort and worthy of a place in any CD cabinet.
and on the subject of 'cock-ups', I spent most of the morning in the Halifax trying (I hope successfully) to clear up theirs. A money transfer to Venezuela for part of the upcoming trip had never arrived, but I won't bore you with the detail, suffice to say by the time I left I was in need of a stiff walk regardless of the weather. The light drizzle was persistent, and as I neared the top of the incline at the Business Park fence the full forces of wind and rain, off the sea, hit me. Not much in the way of birds, with the only prospect of a decent photo being a fairly close, perched Raven. In true Canon fashion, having brought the camera to bear, the built in 'flushing device' kicked in and the corvide was off across the field. The picture above is by way of consolation.
Between Barleycrates and the Coast Guard there were at least 13 Stonechats, plus a single Redwing feeding on the Slopes. 2 Turnstones were all that was on offer at the Obelisk with no sign of yesterdays reported 6 Purple Sandpipers, so I made for the Obs and a welcome cup of coffee. A little damp, I was not relishing the idea of the walk back to Avalanche but that was when Emsworth resident Dick Senior stepped in and exchanged a lift to Weymouth for a little local knowledge. Directing him to Goldcroft Avenue, both eliminating a car parking charge and the longer walk to North Hide, it became clear en route that he lives just around the corner from my mates Paul & Tess.
I have received a couple of requests to further the story associated with one of the photographs posted on Wednesday 28th October, depicting Big Thin Billy and the Anderson family in Panama, but as time is pressing today, I'll endeavour to follow that up tomorrow, which by the way is 'party day'!
so for now I'll continue the series with a study of Wandering Albatross