Having woken to heavy rain for the third day running it was no surprise to drive the 100 miles to east Yorkshire. After 3 lovely days with John and Marion Wood in Leicester the tranquility was about to be shattered by a visit to long time oil rig mate Jim the Medic and his lady Liz. Excellent directions laid out by John I arrived at the village of South Cave at 11-00 where a familiar Argentinian cocktail Ciapreanna, based on Cachaca, awaited me. Three days in South Cave a small village close to the River Humber and on the edge of the Wold's Way.
Bonzo, Jim the Medic and Me, hurrying to eat the food and drink the drink so I could get back to Weymouth.

Anyway, I get the feeling we won't be back until after mid-night (if my previous 'runs ashore with Jim the Medic are anything to go by) so best I publish now and be damned!