Despite a rash of roadworks similar to Weymouth I arrived at Wareham spot on time and my old Shipmate John 'Ginger' Prince was there waiting. Only a short walk to their house, there was time for a cup of tea before Val arrived back from her latest shopping exped and after the briefest of hellos Ginge and I sped off in search of the White Stork that has frequented the local water meadows over the past few days. We needn't have hurried as our one hour search of the lanes and fields around East and West Holm was fruitless. This is what it may have looked like!
Disappointment was soon dispelled as we arrived home and Ginge immediately 'piped' up spirits deftly producing a part full bottle of original 'Navy neaters' from the back of the grog locker. He had 'acquired' this some 20 years ago and had no need to explain that this only sees the light of day when there is a special guest in the mess! You could smell the stuff immediately he pulled the cork and memories of that noon-day ritual, which finished on 31st August 1970, flooded back.
Next, it was hands to dinner and after an excellent shellfish soup I was agog when Val produced the largest individual 'babies heads' I have ever seen. The RN's colloquial name for steak & kidney suet pudding and these were not only the biggest but the best I've ever eaten, and together with a couple of bottles of excellent wine the 'dits' (sea stories) were flowing, "what about that time in Singars (Singapore) when 'Bungy' Williams caught the etc, etc.
It was 'slack hammocks' all round this morning as none of us got up before 09-00, but with a cup of coffee and a light breakfast Ginge and I headed for the Stork, or lack of it as was the case, before boarding the X53 which was close to one hour late due to the roadworks.
Next, it was hands to dinner and after an excellent shellfish soup I was agog when Val produced the largest individual 'babies heads' I have ever seen. The RN's colloquial name for steak & kidney suet pudding and these were not only the biggest but the best I've ever eaten, and together with a couple of bottles of excellent wine the 'dits' (sea stories) were flowing, "what about that time in Singars (Singapore) when 'Bungy' Williams caught the etc, etc.
It was 'slack hammocks' all round this morning as none of us got up before 09-00, but with a cup of coffee and a light breakfast Ginge and I headed for the Stork, or lack of it as was the case, before boarding the X53 which was close to one hour late due to the roadworks.
On arrival I once again visited my favourite pub, the JD Wetherspoon house The Swan, for a shoulder of lamb and a glass of wine. The Swan had always been a favourite with RN sailors in the town, but since its conversion the local clientele are something of a close knit family, while holiday makers and other visitors alike return to their own towns with praise for the warm welcome, good food and excellent ale they get from customers and staff alike. My advise if you are visiting our fine town is 'get down there'!