Thursday 15 September 2016

All Things Must Pass - George Harrison

There is an 'almost' unanswerable question that each of us must ask ourselves at one time or another which is, "how long do I have left"? Not one that is asked with any frequency here, but with still a million things to do before departure we are ever aware. With this in mind, the time has come to 'prioritise'! As can be seen, this very day we notch up our 600,000th HIT, which is an ego trip in itself, but there is much more to it than that. When we first took to the airwaves back in August 2009 our 'Recording Area' consisted of the Whole World, with much of it being brought to your front parlour, while today it is made up of just 1500 acres of East Dorset. In the process of downsizing this has generated some difficulty in finding fresh and interesting subject matter and by consequence generates repetitiveness and fact is we still have to commit the 10 most vibrant years of my life to memoir, then something has to give. Not that we think any of the select few are ever going to be that interested enough to read it, but a project that was started back in 1999 simply has to be completed!   
We choose finish in exactly the same way that we started, with this image of a
from off-shore Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand
along with our
to each and everyone who ever 'clicked' on our Link.
 Farewell, Hüvasti, Orevwa, Wadaeaan, Adiós,  
 Vaarwel, Sudie, Do Pobachennya,  
Do Widzenia, Au Revoir, Довиждане, Hwyl Fawr, 
 Auf Wiedersehen, Hamba Kahle etc, etc.