Later, to metamorphose into Bad Company
At the time of activating the Moth Traps (20:30) the temperature was still holding a much awaited +14°C with a follow up of +8°C at dawn. There were however predictions of showers raining on our parade, but even they remained at bay until we had completed the rounds at least. A little keyed up it might be said, that right out of the norm we attended to the 2 home-bound ones first with both drawing a ‘blank’. A little deflated we headed for the Heath where we were about to see the other side of the coin with all of the following being ‘firsts for the year’!
same credentials but nonetheless sort after
and while we know not if there are collective nouns accociated with such creatures (doubtful) we would invent our own
While we continue to maintain that "we don't do Micro Moths" (to many, to tiny and to time consuming) there is one that has been hammered into us over a number of years and now easily recognisable as
Like the vast majority of the other Micros, it seems like hundreds, it has no vernacular name but have had it drummed into me that this is an import from the Antipodes with the first for Great Britain being found in Dorset in 2009 thought to have arrived among cargos of Tree Ferns.
Things get far more simple as we recount the rest of the day which featured little more than
Common Stuff
This only came about while attempting to capture all c3 of the Heathland
Meadow Pipit's.
Solar Panel Compound
where you don't have to 'sing for your supper'
We will surely be keeping a Weather Eye on the newly found
Badger Sett
with any antics being delivered to your door without payment or delay!
Pound for Pound
Paul Rogers
has to be the greatest Blues Howler this country has ever fathered. Seen live as his own entity at