Having thoroughly enjoyed the last 3 days of excess, there was some reluctance to get ready and go out. However, when Jim and I had popped into the Fox & Coney late afternoon the landlord had told us that tonight's act was not to be miss, but he would say that wouldn't he? Eventually, we raised a head of steam and took a wander to be confronted by We Ghosts.
A little confused as to whether they come from Sweden or were just returned, either way this was certainly a band 'not to be missed'. Easily one of the best acoustic sets I have personally witnessed, it would be extremely difficult to describe the genre. Best on the play-list for me was what must have been titled 'I've Seen It All' (?), but can find no reference to it on the web so maybe self penned - THRILLING! So too were their own workings of Rolling Stone classic 'Gimme Shelter' and Mr Zimmerman's magnum opus 'Like A Rolling Stone' (coincidentally).
A fantastic evening which we all agreed we were glad we made the effort to attend.
Shades of Buenos Aires, a little Tango in the Night.
Another beautiful start to the day in which Liz was off for a walk and lunch with some mates, leaving Jim and I to wander around the countryside for an hour in his newly acquired
Another beautiful start to the day in which Liz was off for a walk and lunch with some mates, leaving Jim and I to wander around the countryside for an hour in his newly acquired
1935 Morris 8 Two-Seater Tourer.
Part of this was to visit the vast reed-beds on the banks of the River Humber where, at this time of year, Bittern, Barn Owl and both Marsh & Hen Harrier are regularly seen. Not by us though.
before heading home to change cars. From there we spent much of the afternoon at Hornsea enjoying fish & chips on the sea front, trying to locate our rig mate Big Fat Billy, but unfortunately The Mere (a bird sanctuary was closed to the public over the holiday.
This part of the adventure will end early tomorrow morning when I will, extremely reluctantly, say farewell to Jim & Liz. It would be hard to imagine better hospitality, but I'll leave in the knowledge that it will be reciprocated at the earliest opportunity.