from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow
Hammer of the Gods drive our ships to new lands
to fight the horde and sing and cry, Valhalla, I am coming
Hammer of the Gods drive our ships to new lands
to fight the horde and sing and cry, Valhalla, I am coming
Bowie, Paul & Annie Harris, Sheila and the Skinny Kid all in party mode and scuppering 1990 Laurent Perrier!
The duck a l'orange & 2002 Haut Brion about to go down nicely.
Make mine a 'double' bread & butter pudding with a drop of Brown Bros Orange, Muscat & Flora please. This was all followed by Joe Bonamassa, The Cars, Morcheeba, Ozzie Osbourne, David McAlmont plus a decent 'encrusted' and that's enough to puff anyone out.
Not exactly Sleeping Beauty ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (this'll be one for the album Liz)and being as we're going for a lunch time pint, a few more photies from the library, this time from Antarctica and surrounds.
Antarctic Tern
Black-browed Albatross
Cape (Pintado) Petrel
Light-mantled Sooty Albatross
Northern Giant Petrel
Snowy Sheathbill
South Georgia Shag
Sub-Antarctic Skua
Wandering Albatross