The wind was at gale force all night, and that was only outside, and as daylight peeked through the curtains heavy rain started inducing me not to a 'slack hammock' (Royal Navy parlance for getting out of bed late) but a 'guard & steerage' (an authorised lay-in). These are few and far between in my hectic life so thought I'd knock the arse right out of it, getting up at 08:00. The chances of doing any 'sensible birding' were nil, and having a lunch date, thought it best to get a few outstanding jobs done. High on the agenda was booking a car for the late Christmas period and early New Year adventure (more of that later) and while doing so bumped into ex-shipmate Paul Petman who I haven;t sen in many a day. But there was more in prospect today than chores, such as meeting up with my friend Leslie Brown at the home of others I had not seen for a while, Michael & Wendy Honebon who were in turn entertaining Ted King (old ships) and his partner Vera Powell. The only down side to this was, previous arrangement not allowing for a dinner time session - let's hope we can do it soon guys!
The excellent Red Lion, Wareham was our destination, where even more ol' shipmates hove over the horizon in the shape of
John (Ginge) & Val Prince accompanied by myself and Leslie.
It would be easy to forget that this is a Public House rather than a high class restaurant as the cuisine, wine and service are of the best. Fish & Chips sound ordinary but you must try those at the 'Lion' as John & Leslie did while Val went for the Steak & Ale Pie and me for an all time favourite Lamb Shank. A red Chilean Merlot with the main course proved ideal, while sticking to the same grape, a white Italian Merlot with pudding just about put the cap on it for me, and with a bill somewhere in the region of £1.50 it was hardly worth running off!
A quick look around the town was in order before we left, but as Leslie had yet another party to attend this evening we simply looked at the Town Hall,
and the sun setting below the same watercourse to the west.
Back to the High Street, pick up the car and home to complete the Blog, rejuvenated, I don't quite know what's on the cards for tomorrow, but you can bet it wont be NOTHING!