Apart from displaying Goldfinch there was little else of note there, but over on Radipole Reserve the star birds were Cetti's Warbler, showing well, many vocal, pairs 'chasing' each other and even one couple copulating. At the shelter I heard the long awaited 'call' of a Yellow Wagtail and had no trouble picking up a very bright male flying to the north. In addition there were c12 Pochard plus a few Common Snipe opposite the Visitor's Center but it was now time to catch the bus.
Since the issue of the 'bus pass', nearly 4 years ago now, I have got to know many of the drivers and today's was cock 'a' hoop at not only having had £20 'on the nose' of yesterdays Grand National winner but an 'each way' bet on the 4th placed. At Wyke Regis, Ken Parker got onboard and I'm always happy to have a wander round with him. Barleycrates proved devoid, while the West Cliff walk produced just a single Tree Pipit but along with the Wagtail was the second 'year tick' of the day for me. Through Top Fields and down to the Observatory things were little better (in fact worse) until a Whitethroat and the amazing male Redstart below were taken from a mist net.
After a coffee and a good deal of banter, John Down and I headed for the Trinity House Obelisk to concentrate on the sea for a while. By no means my favourite division of birdwatching (given a lifetime at sea) it is for many the highlight of the whole game and can be extremely rewarding for those who have the patience. Before arrival we did stop to watch the abseiling painters giving the lighthouse a couple of coats, which reminded me of the endless hours I must have spent in a Boatswain's Chain painting a variety of ship-sides.
The mechanical 'stage' working Portland's active lighthouse.
A closer view
At the waters edge there was some reward for us as John first pick up c3 Common Scoter flying distantly to the north, and in quick succession followed up with c5 Manx Shearwater flying in the opposite direction. From Pulpit Rock we could see a good number of mixed Auks (Guillemot & Razorbill) on the sea below the cliff at the Admiralty Compound and considered it worth a walk up the hill to check for Puffin. Unfortunately, none were found but the sight of the other beautiful seabirds in breeding livery and closer quarters was well worth the extra few yards. By now, the wind had 'backed' to the north east and the temperature had dropped accordingly, but didn't appear to deter c2 Swallows flying in from seaward.
At the waters edge there was some reward for us as John first pick up c3 Common Scoter flying distantly to the north, and in quick succession followed up with c5 Manx Shearwater flying in the opposite direction. From Pulpit Rock we could see a good number of mixed Auks (Guillemot & Razorbill) on the sea below the cliff at the Admiralty Compound and considered it worth a walk up the hill to check for Puffin. Unfortunately, none were found but the sight of the other beautiful seabirds in breeding livery and closer quarters was well worth the extra few yards. By now, the wind had 'backed' to the north east and the temperature had dropped accordingly, but didn't appear to deter c2 Swallows flying in from seaward.