Hold a halo 'round the world, Golden is the day
Princes of the Universe, your burden is the way
So there is no better time who will be born today
A gypsy child at daybreak, King for a day
Out of the shadow and into the sun
Dreams of the past as the old ways are done
Out there is beauty and surely there is pain
But we must endure this to live again
Princes of the Universe, your burden is the way
So there is no better time who will be born today
A gypsy child at daybreak, King for a day
Out of the shadow and into the sun
Dreams of the past as the old ways are done
Out there is beauty and surely there is pain
But we must endure this to live again
My day, although quiet, just lent itself to this GREAT Iron Maiden song!
The Weatherman predicted some heavy
overnight rain, and on the strength of that it was decided only the
single trap should be deployed once again. A wander outside about 20:00,
to listen for migrating birds, saw that conditions appeared ideal with
full cloud cover, little or no wind, temperature 8°C and still no sign
of rain. If indeed it had arrived these traps, made by Dave Foot, could
more than withstand it. Since then I have simply been elated! Firstly,
there was what must have been 'dozens' of Redwing, easily identified by
their wispy/plaintive 'Tseeee' like location call, then as I was about to return indoors a movement in the grass revealed itself as this brilliant young
which was placed in a secure corner overnight
then appeared before the cameras this morning.
was followed by a decent glass of Port and resumption of the Nadal v
Djokovic tennis final and a great night's sleep. At dawn the traps were
opened only to find 'THOUSANDS' (no, not hundreds) of Insects within,
mostly of the small Black Fly variety, but much else as well. First
recognisable Moth out of the traps was one never beheld before, new not
only to the Property List but also to my own!
is not 'rare', but seems to have been a long time coming.
As a second was captured (yes, reminiscent of the proverbial bus)
it was at first thought to have been a different species, but a quick
check with the authority shows there are 2 distinctly different males.
By patterning rather than colour, likely a washed out
Again highlighting the differing patterns and colours of
this one really got me going thinking it was something else!
Recruiting 'outside' help it would seem "the colour may be
due to it being a female"?
Not the first time we have caught this Migrant Pyralid
Palpita vitrialis
and hopefully not the last, probably my favourite among the smaller
Moths and feel sure you can see why?
Sometime during the night one of these creatures had deposited
these EGGS on one of the trays.
These 3 images are thought to relate to different stages of the
also called "Cocktail"
due to the adults habit of raising it's tail over
their back rather like
a Scorpion, when threatened.
Thanks go to John Gifford for the help.
Having pondered long and hard over this fine looking Moth I can
only conclude, via the Flying Tonight Website and a little help from
our friends, that it is of the Tortrix Family, an Acleris of sorts likely
Acleris sparsana or Acleris cristana?
You can probably see more clearly now why we don't do Micros !
a migrant from Southern Europe only seen in very small numbers
at this time of year.
Micro, still to be identified.
fortunate that I was 'Confined to Barracks' this morning, attending to
all duties, while Sahib Hugh and the Memsahib were attending to far more
important matters elsewhere. It took all of that time to photograph the
above, edit the images, obtain some sort of identification then start
forming this Post. What happened next, adding dramatically to what
was already a fervour, was totally unexpected. Part of my daily doings
is to monitor the Blog readership by means of the Stat Counter which
this morning had gone 'off the scale'. For months now our daily
readership figure has averaged around the 300 mark, so what price
yesterday's total which was no fewer than 677 (THANK YOU whether 'Regular Readers' or 'New Arrivals') what a shock!
The only dramatic change on the Countries List was the reappearance of
South Korea (all others having been recorded over the past month) all
too long absent from the Readership.
Entry | Pageviews |
United Kingdom
United States
South Korea
inspired me to read all Blog Posts for the period of my third visit to
that FINE country, reacquaint with some GREAT FRIENDS I made there and
select just a few of the photographs from that memorable time. Arriving
in the small town of Dong Song Eup the first person I encountered (he
approached me with the most fantastic of welcomes) was the Coach Station
Manager. This is how the Post read on those days:-
It was all down to my new Best Mate at the Bus Station yesterday that I very luckily hooked up with the local Crane
Monitoring Group, Driver, Guide and Ornithologist Jongsoo Choi,
University Professer Choi Jin-Woo and Assistant Kim Mi-Jeong, who kindly invited me along.
Which way now?
Me with 7 years old daughter SAEYEON
SAEYEON (an 'artist' in the making) with father JONGSOO
She copied my Guardian Angel Badge
and after watching this
killing and eating a MALLARD
killing and eating a MALLARD
she produced this drawing for me.
Later in the trip, in the town of SEOSAN, I met
Lee (Harry) Haesoun
Lee (Harry) Haesoun
who in turn introduced me to some of his 'birding' friends.

There was a great deal of similarity with the Portland Bird Observatory as I met Warden Sea Hansoo, Harry (whom you have already met), Chae Seung-Hoon along with Kwak Ho-Kyong (recently returned from birding Mongolia).
Some of the many gifts bestowed on me by these kind and loving people.
My 3 visits to SOUTH KOREA figure highly in my recollections.
My 3 visits to SOUTH KOREA figure highly in my recollections.
If you like to re-visit those fabulous days during early 2012
please click this link.
Compiling today's Post has given me a great deal of satisfaction!