So, try this one for size.
After a hard day doing exactly what you like, when you like what better way of ending it than doing just what you like in the company of Messrs Stipe, Buck, Mills & Berry a.k.a. REM. Fellow 'birder' and 'muso' John Lucas & I decided to exchange a DVD and while not consulted on his opinion of Joe Bonamassa Live at the Royal Albert Hall I can tell him and you that 'Perfect Square' is sensational! Kicking off in low key with Begin the Begin a fully suited Stipe launches into What's the Frequency Kenneth? as a follow up, working through a balanced selection of new compositions (then) and such classics as Man In The Moon. Must get back to the cider and gig now, so buy it and make up your own mind. Thanks for the opportunity John!
After a hard day doing exactly what you like, when you like what better way of ending it than doing just what you like in the company of Messrs Stipe, Buck, Mills & Berry a.k.a. REM. Fellow 'birder' and 'muso' John Lucas & I decided to exchange a DVD and while not consulted on his opinion of Joe Bonamassa Live at the Royal Albert Hall I can tell him and you that 'Perfect Square' is sensational! Kicking off in low key with Begin the Begin a fully suited Stipe launches into What's the Frequency Kenneth? as a follow up, working through a balanced selection of new compositions (then) and such classics as Man In The Moon. Must get back to the cider and gig now, so buy it and make up your own mind. Thanks for the opportunity John!
I must go down to the sea again, to the lonely sea and the sky.
I left my socks and knickers there, I wonder if they're dry?
Spike Milligan
Back to today, and Jo had made a preference to spend some time 'sea-watching' this morning with our rendezvous being 07:00 again. An hour earlier than that it was note the weather around Weymouth was already fine and sunny but looking north the Ridgeway Hills were Obscured By Clouds (Pink Floyd). As on the previous 2 days there was a choral welcome by an undetermined number of Goldcrests, while I was delayed a full 10 minutes trying to decipher the song of a vocally challenged Chaffinch and there once again were the 2
Moses went walking with the staff of wood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Newton got beaned by the apple good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Newton got beaned by the apple good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Egypt was troubled by the horrible asp. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Mister Charles Darwin had the gall to ask. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
If you believed they put a man on the moon, man on the moon?
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool!
If you believe there's nothing up my sleeve, then nothing is cool!