The blustery wind persisted today although the direction had backed a couple of points, but the sky was cloudless and sunshine prevailed from the start. Robin,Goldcrest and Wren were most numerous at the cemetery, but once again the question was where are the Chaffinches. Before leaving, a Sparrowhawk chased a Song Thrush across the area as c3Redwing , the first here this end of the year, passed overhead. It was found later in the day the answered to the previous question was the Chaffinches seemed to be at the Bill!
At Radipole, despite the 'unusual' appearance of acres of mud, there were just 25 Waders, all Common Snipe, c3 distinctly separate Water Rail were heard calling with the only 'ace' being a Grasshopper Warbler. It was a windy walk along the seafront to Lodmoor but worth it to see what few ducks there were are now showing splendid winter feathers.
At Radipole, despite the 'unusual' appearance of acres of mud, there were just 25 Waders, all Common Snipe, c3 distinctly separate Water Rail were heard calling with the only 'ace' being a Grasshopper Warbler. It was a windy walk along the seafront to Lodmoor but worth it to see what few ducks there were are now showing splendid winter feathers.