Another post that again is something of a pictorial. All days here are about the same, and so far the weather has been kind, we take breakfast at the communal mess hall at 07:30 and commence 'birding' soon after. This goes on until noon when we break for lunch and then enjoy a 2 hour siesta after which we get going again. Dinner is between 17:00 and 18:00, breaking off when the birds drop off, then recommence directly after and continue through to 22:00 at the earliest. It's great to have the sun still high in the sky at that time of the evening, and awaiting you when you wake up.

Another look at
Long-tailed Skua (yes, reverted to the good old English name even though I like the Germanic Jaeger).
At 'Pump House Lake'

Red-necked Phalarope what a cracking little bird, and how often do you see them let alone, as we have been doing, hearing them - perfect!

A single
Least Sandpiper tucked away among the other Waders,

while there were several pairs of
Semipalmated Plovers breeding.

At last much closer views of
Red-legged Kittiwake, but not so

the six or seven
Sabine's Gull's that graced our 'scope early in the day.

I don't remember seeing an adult before, and then half a dozen appear.

None closed to less than half a mile so the telescope proved invaluable.

Forrest tells me that it's most unusual to record a
Glaucous Gull here during July,

so I was doubly chuffed to pick this one up on the sea-wall.

Have you got fed up with them yet? I haven't.

At the water-side roost there are several dozen of them each evening, but there has been no need to venture out there with chances of disturbing them.
Least Auklet, another nifty 'call'.

Arctic Fox doesn't turn white in the winter here, this individual just happens to be very pale.

Crested Auklet

Parakeet Auklet

Tufted Puffin
Red-legged Kittiwake
The only 2 flight shots worth keeping (of over 100 taken)

showing red legs, darker mantle and upper-wing, stubby bill plus googly eye.

hat at this time is considered to be a
(dark phase) Long-tailed Skua
The images have been sent to the relevant authority

so we're now just waiting the outcome.
Thick-billed Murre

A predated
Common Guillemot egg

Northern Fulmar here range in 'morph' from Jet Black (not Blue) to this White form.

(juvenile) Rock Sandpiper in varying stages of developement.
I'd welcome comments on the 'dark Skua' via captbagsy@waitrose.com