To catch up with yesterday, we arrived Minnesota, St Paul's just a little behind schedule, but with still sufficient daylight to view a bird or two. I had guessed, as usual, that the first species to be seen would be Feral Pigeon, but that was beaten to the notebook by Purple Martin. A cloud of hundreds were easy to identify at distance as the only 'all dark' hirundine on the sub-continent, and similarly the American Crow is the only corvid hereabouts. So, with the daylight rapidly fading there were just 2 choices, either move on, if a Greyhound was available, or a motel. As luck would have it there was just a one hour wait for a service to Bismarck, North Dakota which not only progressed my journey but saved paying a hotel as well.
Trip Ticks - 4 Lifers - 0
By 21-00 we were on our way to Bismarck capital city of North Dakota, which I was hoping to be the springboard for a southerly ride into South Dakota, but there was a change of coach at Fargo and a whole change of plan. It was there I met Jeff as he gave me a hand to change buses as he was the new driver for the rest of the trip. We seemed to hit it off immediately we got underway, and having told him my plan he was quick to tell me there might be some difficulty with a connection. Arriving Bismarck close to midnight, the clerk at the bus depot confirmed that although there was transport to Pierre it would cost me a further $40 as it was a shuttle not covered by my open ticket. There was another snag also as he checked that ticket, the young lady who had issued it had not entered an expiration date on the ticket making it impossible to issue another. This is where Jeff stepped in both suggesting I miss Pierre and a long delay and making several telephone calls to sort out the ticket problem. He also said that if I stayed on the coach with him I could do the change in Billings, Montana but while this was a longer distance it would take less time. I had a good sleep before waking just before we crossed the border into Montana
All of this time Jeff and I had been discussing the prospects of some birdwatching and had called his wife as she goes birding regularly in the area. He then suggested I use Mile City as a staging post and catch the ongoing coach to Billings this evening which in turn would meet up for the connection into South Dakota. Not only this. but once Jeff had handed over to his relief driver, he took me to
The first thing I noticed were the number of Grasshoppers, Coneheads, Crickets etc, in what could be described as 'plague proportions'.
After Doreen had driven back the 7 miles to pick me up, Jeff took me to the library to update this Blog. On the way he invited me to dinner with his family in their home, what a privileged! In the event the library doesn't open on a Monday so they allowed me to use their computer as well. At dinner we also had the pleasure of the company of Doreen's dad and mum who are 'rancher' further down state and in about an hour they plan to take me to the Bus Depot, ending a fantastic day.
From front left Doreen's father Roger, her mum Edith, Doreen, Jeff, Taylor, Rya and Kyle.
Additions, not already mentioned, to the trip list include:- Pheasant, Mourning Dove, Prairie Falcon* (3), Downy Woodpecker, Cliff Swallow, Northern Flicker (both Red-shafted and Guilded), White-crowned Sparrow, Blue Jay, Rufous-sided Towhee, Wilson's Warbler, Grey Catbird, Sage Thrasher*, Chipping Sparrow, Osprey, Turkey Vulture, Ferruginous Hawk and Red-tailed Hawk. * denote ''world lifer'.
Trip Ticks - 27 World Lifers - 3
Trip Ticks - 27 World Lifers - 3