Found this very showy bushy area in another local park
and was amazed at the number of Insects it was hosting.
Difficult to pull myself away.
About a dozen main stems supported the bushes
while this Runner Bean like vine
was the only other Plant species.
I don't have a clue (or the time to look them up)
of the identity of any of the creatures shown but do hope
you enjoy them as much as I did!
Don't know if this is a 'male' and the following 'female'
or vice versa?
This rather large Insect was another of the
'Wings Folded @Perch Brigade'
but did give occasional split second glimpses of its upper-parts.
"Waiter, there seems to be something cweeping about in my spaghetti"!
heard daily in the tropics, sending out that deafening, circular-saw
like buzzing through the forest, but are infrequently seen. So this
mighty 'beauty' was a most welcome addition to the log.