Very windy, gloomy, overcast with some light rain was how the day started, but it did brighten towards the afternoon becoming relatively pleasant. The cemetery was all but devoid of bird-life, while at Radipole the first interesting sighting was a flower.
I think this could be Hedgerow Cranesbill? but feel sure someone (John) will put me right if not!

Seemingly escaping the gale force wind, there were 16
Grey Herons lining the edge of the lagoon

while a 17th took to one of the perch rails, while a steady trickle of Sand Martins passed overhead to the south.

I find it almost impossible not to photograph Gulls, particularly one of my favourites

First Winter Mediterranean Gull.

Walking towards the Westham Bridge Sluices it was clear the wind had also been busy blowing the
Horse Chestnuts (Conkers) from the short avenue of trees but had to recall that in my boyhood none would have remained on the ground for long! Do children still play 'conkers' or have the Safety Police banned that as well?

Not seen for a number of weeks now, the
Hooded Merganser is again showing on the lake and getting back into smart plumage again.
Little Grebe
At Ferry Bridge among others were a single Bar-tailed Godwit, probably as many as 40 each of Dunlin and Ringed Plover, a single Turnstone and 3 Sanderling.

A lone
not at all cooperative, was likely waiting for a lull in wind speed,

a brief appearance of a
Little Stint (archive photo) was followed by the arrival

of these 3
Sandwich Terns, the one to the rear being a juvenile, and what may have been the same Arctic Tern of yesterday?

Seeing a 'live'
Cockle Sp on the foreshore is now an uncommon sight, and while I take no delight at witnessing any ones misfortune, there was an irony to this
Bookable Offence on the car park. Earlier I had resorted to using the telescope in the Fleet Visitor's Centre to confirm the identity of the claimed Little Stint. While there it was unavoidable listening to this lady talking to her friend, describing how she has successfully made quite a few pounds from the recent claim by the new Tesco Supermarket on Portland. They say that if you can find one of their products cheaper elsewhere they will not only give it to you for free but also refund full amount, and also give a 'credit' compensation. Continuing she said she has committed most Tesco prices to memory and keeping a mental note of her purchases she claimed to have made an average of £15 per week of late. Leaving the Centre and seeing the traffic warden I alerted the women to his presence, but too late to save her a £60 fine. Never mind, by my calculation it will only need 4 weeks in Tesco to recoup the damage!
and finally, a short video clip of the tidal action at Small Mouth (Ferry Bridge) this morning. At 'spring tides' particularly, it never ceases to amaze me the volume of water that passes through this narrow channel. Hope the film tells the story!