Seems yesterday's schematic of the southern end of The Fleet and Chesil Beach raised much interest, resulting in a number of e-mails asking about the
Carr Memorial Stone on the ridge of the beach close to the Fleet Visitor's Centre. A plaque on the 'stone' states "One of over 30 permanent reference stations (datum) to assist in monitoring any future changes and biological properties of Chesil Bank".
A time for me at least to catch up with some of my Rock 'n' Roll mates and get some stuff on! The Loosehounds had invaded the town from Wales, unleashing their own brand of WOW!
As usual the crowd was full of familiar faces
familiar bands,
plus a few 'wicked' Axemen!
The Surfin' Birds gave us an hour of thoroughbred 50's Rock
as some of the organisers looked on.
The crowd continued to build
as more and more faces popped out of the woodwork.
Jon Storey lead guitar
Mark Hayward vocals and Acoustic Guitar.
Pud, supplies Bass and Vox, while