The weather in St Paul has been unseasonable, to say the least, with the last 2 weeks having been more or less 'wall to wall' sunshine, good thing that it stayed that way for my visit. There was a single exception, my last night here when it 'chucked it down' none stop leaving a trail of overly moist air and a good deal of mist. These conditions were not exactly conducive with 'birding' so by mid-morning and with what proved to be the final species of the stay we headed off to do some sight seeing.
I have been mad keen to view anything to do with the Fishing Industry and today turned out to be an ideal opportunity as Michelle's husband was returning from a few days 'long-lining' for Halibut in the Bering Sea.
I have been mad keen to view anything to do with the Fishing Industry and today turned out to be an ideal opportunity as Michelle's husband was returning from a few days 'long-lining' for Halibut in the Bering Sea.
Inside the Processing Factory
and finally a visit to the