To start today, a correction to yesterday's post is in order, as I labelled a fairly obvious Cormorant as a Shag and have to thank the Dorset County Bird Recorder, Kevin Lane, for pointing this out. I am always happy to receive such corrections or other comments for that matter so long as they are constructive - thanks Kevin!
As yesterday, I was met at the cemetery gate by the 'local' Common Buzzard but content today simply to fly over. Within, judging by the quantity of bird-song, the small bird community seem to be doing OK despite the harsh weather. Again, the ground was shrouded with a sprinkle of white, this time frost, much more of the water in various places seemed to be frozen but the sun continues to shine in an all but clear sky.
As yesterday, I was met at the cemetery gate by the 'local' Common Buzzard but content today simply to fly over. Within, judging by the quantity of bird-song, the small bird community seem to be doing OK despite the harsh weather. Again, the ground was shrouded with a sprinkle of white, this time frost, much more of the water in various places seemed to be frozen but the sun continues to shine in an all but clear sky.
Along with more extensive frozen water, both Buddleia Lagoon and the main lake from north of the Visitor's Centre through to Westham Bridge were solid, it seemed that Wildfowl numbers had increased. I discussed this with RSPB Warden Luke Phillips who suggested numbers were about the same only the harsher weather had forced most of the Ducks into less open water. Either way, it was much the same there as previous days with both Cetti's Warbler and Water Rail being most vocal, Pochard and Tufted Duck being most numerous, while single Chiffchaff, Reed Bunting and Hooded Merganser added that bit of extra interest.
My arrival on the sea-front coincided perfectly with an east bound number 4B bus which dropped me just 100 yards from the Lodmoor entrance, even a taxi wouldn't have got me there quicker. Unfortunately, this stroke of luck was all in vane as a second call from Daragh informed me of the GW Egrets departure just one minute before. Have I said 'B*s*a*ds' today? However, there was still plenty to see on the moor with a good number of
It was a bracing walk to Ferrybridge, warm in the lee of the built up area but bitterly cold when exposed to the north easterly wind, even though it was barely raising the wind-sock. However, the sight of presumably the same c3 female Goosander as yesterday soon drew my attention elsewhere, as did a distant juvenile Little Gull flying south along the Fleet. This was followed just a few moments later by a slightly 'oiled' adult Kittiwake, neither of which are frequent here, both disappearing over the Chesil Beach into West Bay. These 2 Gulls increased the tally of 5 here yesterday to 7 today, while a little further along the sea wall this small group of mainly
Finally, I'd like to welcome as our 111th country / region to the readership, Armenia, a country I knew very little about up until last night when it appeared on the screen. Since then I have checked it out via various websites and added it to my 'Must Visit List' which is still extensive -
drill down 2 0.02% Macedonia
drill down 2 0.02% Armenia
drill down 2 0.02% Azerbaijan
drill down 1 0.01% United Arab Emirates
drill down 1 0.01% Georgia
drill down 1 0.01% Bolivia
drill down 1 0.01% Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
drill down 1 0.01% Reunion
drill down 1 0.01% Jordan
drill down 1 0.01% Aland Islands
drill down 1 0.01% Anonymous Proxy
drill down 1 0.01% Maldives
drill down 1 0.01% Guernsey
drill down 1 0.01% Nepal Nepal
drill down 1 0.01% Malaysia
drill down 1 0.01% Saudi Arabia