The sky was once again leaded this morning and a quick look north to the Ridgeway Hill showed there was every chance of rain. With little, if any, wind and a clear atmosphere, for me these are the ideal bird watching conditions so I continued and made my rounds of the cemetery. With little of note there it was straight on to Radipole, with the male Blackcap once again singing behind me, I encountered a small swarm of House and Sand Martins, the total number being about 50. At the kissing gate I was met by c4 of the 'white ducks' shown below, which in earlier days may well have been referred to as 'Call Ducks'. These are likely Aylesbury or farmyard birds that someone has gotten fed up with and 'dumped' at the lake, but years ago would have had a very important purpose.

Over at Lodmoor, it seemed the who area was awash with juvenile birds, literally dozens of young birds, but before arrival I bumped into this 'colour ringed'
At Ferry Bridge, the fore-shore was once again devoid of birds, but the long-staying pair of Red-breasted Merganser where still in the Fleet as a dozen or so Little Terns were still feeding and 'fish passing' (part of their courtship ritual).
and so to Portland
What might be considered the 'best till last' I entered the Culverwell bushes and immediately encountered the singing of what could only have been an Acrocephalus Warbler. The song was not as familiar as the daily heard Reed and Sedge Warblers, nor did it sound like the Blyth's Reed Warbler I had recently heard at length in Estonia. I had to dig deep into my memory of birdsong, realising this was indeed a Marsh Warbler (I have heard a few in the past, but all abroad). There was a Marsh Warbler caught and ringed at the Portland Bird Observatory, and during just 2 brief glimpses (one in flight) I did note this individual bearing a 'ring'. Not that this confirms an identification, as most small birds here are ringed, but in my mind everything leads me to make this a positive identification on song alone.
and finally a story that met my ears today which I hope our new PM reads this evening.
On the very day (yesterday) David Cameron, our brand new Prime Minister, got on his hind legs and told the Nation how his measures to redress the financial deficit will 'hurt us all', c2 'Marksmen' arrived in the town from Nottingham. The gunmen, reputedly employees of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) a Government Department, arrived in what was described as a 'top of the range Rapper's 4 x 4 and immediately decanter into the Premier Inn for a 2 night stay. At 05-00 (a good time not to raise public awareness) they drove to Lodmoor, unveiled their 'Purdy' shotguns and blasted to death a single Ruddy Duck. One of them then plunged into the reed-bed, disturbing everything before him, to recover the body of the hapless bird. Apparently, they then headed back to Nottingham! Let's hope for the sake of man and duck-kind the first round of 'cuts' include these 2 'Herberts' and the tools of their trade.
On the very day (yesterday) David Cameron, our brand new Prime Minister, got on his hind legs and told the Nation how his measures to redress the financial deficit will 'hurt us all', c2 'Marksmen' arrived in the town from Nottingham. The gunmen, reputedly employees of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) a Government Department, arrived in what was described as a 'top of the range Rapper's 4 x 4 and immediately decanter into the Premier Inn for a 2 night stay. At 05-00 (a good time not to raise public awareness) they drove to Lodmoor, unveiled their 'Purdy' shotguns and blasted to death a single Ruddy Duck. One of them then plunged into the reed-bed, disturbing everything before him, to recover the body of the hapless bird. Apparently, they then headed back to Nottingham! Let's hope for the sake of man and duck-kind the first round of 'cuts' include these 2 'Herberts' and the tools of their trade.