We really have been operating on a
'wing and a preyer' over the past few days, but a brief visit to
Portland put paid to all of that. My Gud Ol' Mate the Secret Lemonade
Drinker not only managed to mend the power supply to my favoured
lap-top, but also found a program that cleared out all the thousands of
'junk' photos lying in a hidden file. Seems each time a photograph is
processed despite its final resting place, even when the Recycle Bin is
cleared, a copy remains in the system. This had reduced the memory of
this particular machine at one stage to less than 1Gb, we now have 40Gb.
On the strength of that and knowing he is not 'let loose' all that
often I decided to take him, as a treat and Thank You, to Ferry Bridge for
the first couple of hours of the falling tide.

it was 'top of springs' at the Bridge.
Soon it will be the phase of the moon
when people tune in.
Every girl knows about the punctual blues,
But who's to know the power behind our moves?
with just a dozen or so 'small' Gulls on one of the only
remaining islands.
from back along the Chesil Beach and a
but we should have paid earlier attention to the
aforementioned island.
West Bay, as we looked back the Waders had started to arrive.
were followed by this
that landed directly in front of us.
a little closer, a small flock of
was a Year Tick for me!
which in the Spring 'carpets' much of this area.
but turned in a 'blank'. However, this one was waiting for us as we
returned to the car park.
Yet again we end on a musical note referring back to today's headline. This 'track' is from the superb

one of only about a dozen albums I consider 'flawless'.
here's a 'taster'. Music and lyrics to make love by!
Soon it will be the phase of the moon
when people tune in.
Every girl knows about the punctual blues,
But who's to know the power behind our moves?
A day of coincidence with the radio,
And a word that won't go away.
We know what they're all going to say.
"G" arrives--"Funny, had a feeling he was on his way!"
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure 'nuff, he has the answer, He has the answer
He has the answer, be-duh-be-duh-be-duh-be-duh...
"Om mani padme, Om mani padme,
Om mani padme hum."
You pick up a paper, you read a name.
You go out. It turns up again and again.
You bump into a friend you haven't seen for a long time,
Then into another you only thought about last night.
You hear your sister calling for you,
But you don't know where from.
You know there's something wrong,
But you don't want to believe in a premonition.
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure 'nuff, he has the answer,
He has the answer
"Om mani padme hum."
Every girl knows about the punctual blues,
But who's to know the power behind our moves?
A day of coincidence with the radio,
And a word that won't go away.
We know what they're all going to say.
"G" arrives--"Funny, had a feeling he was on his way!"
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure 'nuff, he has the answer, He has the answer
He has the answer, be-duh-be-duh-be-duh-be-duh...
"Om mani padme, Om mani padme,
Om mani padme hum."
You pick up a paper, you read a name.
You go out. It turns up again and again.
You bump into a friend you haven't seen for a long time,
Then into another you only thought about last night.
You hear your sister calling for you,
But you don't know where from.
You know there's something wrong,
But you don't want to believe in a premonition.
We raise our hats to the strange phenomena.
Soul-birds of a feather flock together.
We raise our hats to the hand a-moulding us.
Sure 'nuff, he has the answer,
He has the answer
"Om mani padme hum."

The mantra in Tibetan with the six syllables coloured.
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