Major MIS-IDENTIFICATION on Monday's post, the Butterfly was in fact

while the 'pretty flower', I
am reliably informed, is a fine example of Common Storksbill. Thanks go to Mark
Litjens plus John and Maggie Gifford. The appropriate amendments have
been made.
Today started with a light frost and a chill wind as a
cut across a gloomy sky, the first at the farm since my return.
Otherwise at LONGHAM the Lakes were shrouded by fine mist,
over which 200? Common Swift were flying at extremely low level
accompanied by a few each of Barn Swallow and House Martin.
At least c2 COMMON SANDPIPER remain there
along with several dozen TUFTED DUCK
Closer inspection was needed of the Island in the southern most Lake
and GREY HERON standing sentinel.
stealing the scene this morning along with plenty of
Love Hearts!
were also in good voice and making up the chorus were
Blackcap, Reed Warbler, Robin, Dunnock, Chaffinch, Wren etc.
as can be seen, not a lot of change from the past couple of weeks. Good
reason then to head off elsewhere. First a return visit to the north
end of Parley Court Farm and the 'Common' where Dartford Warbler have
not been seen for the last couple of year since the Central Electricity
Generating Board did essential maintenance to the overhead cables there.
Once again none were seen or heard, so onward to the North Woods in
search of Marsh Tit, Nuthatch and Treecreeper where all 3 followed suit.
have been a fair few occasions when I have had occasion to cross the
Avon Causeway and coupled with reports of interesting and plentiful
birds there from time to time have always intended to suss it out. Today
was the day.
but with only another 'sitting' MUTE SWAN close enough for
a decent photograph.
across the meadows and beyond, both sides of the road, there were c8
Little Egret, c5 Grey Heron, c2 Common Buzzard, possible breeding
Lapwing, a host of House Sparrows, more Sedge and Reed Warblers and much
else besides. This is a site well worth keeping an eye on should there
be future visits to this part of the county.