It was an acute case of 'slack hammock' (the Navy expression for being late out of bed) this morning, as I made the mistake of answering the phone at 20-30 last night. An emergency call from Bowie and Sheila asking me to go to The Boot with them. A rare occurrence these days, I thought I would but despite limiting myself to 2 pints, in Weymouth's oldest pub, it still went to my head very quickly. Nevertheless, I was glad I did as apart from them, recently returned from South Africa, there was Bowie's brother Russell, just back from Zambia and Jim Brooks from 3 months in Thailand. There seemed to be a little one-upmanship going on, but some good yarns to say the least.
So, at the crack of 10-30 I wandered through a relatively bird-less cemetery and Radipole NR, then caught the bus to Portland. Walking the east cliff with the fresh easterly behind me and the sun beating down (again) from a cloudless sky, there was no need to be anywhere else. On the birding front things were much the same there, but I did record my first Owl of the year and later, close to Pulpit Rock, another addition to the 'year list' a Kittiwake. That makes the total 94. Calling into the Portland Bird Observatory for a coffee, Martin (Cade) the Warden had similar news and no (true) migrants since the Wheatear on Monday. I use the word 'true' to indicate a migratory species that does not spend the winter in the UK, there have of course been incoming Meadow Pipit, Pied Wagtail etc. A walk through Top Fields produced just a single Common Buzzard, so I continued on to Southwell village and caught the bus home.
Have any of these local photographs made you think you should pay us a visit? Come on down!